Focus, Lots of Dish

I have some fabulous announcements and dish coming soon. For now, here's what's up, my website will be launching shortly. The minute it's live, I'll post the URL so yas' can visit and yas bettah visit. Pushy enough?!
Last week, I got booked for Literary Death Match in New York, an Opium Magazine literarypaloozastravaganza. Being so wildly, passionately and desperately in love with the OM zeenylish, I'm plotzarella to the tenth power.
Artist James J Williams III posted pictures of the Paris installation that he's trying to save. I wrote about it here. The fundraising efforts are moving along famously. Donations are still required, be sure to contribute. Kid's work is at risk of being lost fahevah. Please visit his site and send some money to co-op and SAVE his work. Donate via PayPal
I still can't get James' "show some fucking tact" image out of my mind.
His work is important for many reasons, but that is my favorite.
Dish sister dish!
And pushy, schmushy. It is why we love you.
Excellent! Congrats!