
oh look, it's chuvvy jesus. maybe I should focus on one font style for my blog. thoughts?


Cup said…
Why is it okay for My Dear Lord to sport a pot belly, but I'm banished from the well because I have a li'l pooch. Damn patriarchal society ...

I prefer the previous font, please.


Get yourself a man who doesn't find that an issue and nothing is worse than the man who looks about forty months pregnant, complaining about a little cushion on a woman.
Anonymous said…
Any font in a storm I say.
Anonymous said…
Any font in a storm I say.
Anonymous said…
Come on, everyone knows Jesus was a Nordic dude who has six pack abs to die for.
Creepy said…
Most Jewish fellas have a matzoh ball belly. Give him a break.
Al Sensu said…
You are a font of information!
Bacon Lady said…
This picture is cracking me up because it looks like he is trying to suck it in for the picture.

"Hurry up, Judas! I can't stand like this all day! Don't make me use my name in vain."

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