lisa whelchel's favorite blogs

I am heartbroken... I did not make lisa whelchel's favorite blogs list. fuck. fuck. mother fuck. that fucking sucks. gaaahd. what the fuck do I have to do to get in this bitch's good graces. for the love of jesus mary and josephina.


Joe said…
Forget Lisa. She's no good. Focus, instead, on that wonderful pinup art. The gal in that pic is experiencing a reckless joy that Lisa W will never know.
Is that a Vargas (why do we have to drop the "s" when we pronounce his name???) pinup?

Hey, she'd have to explain to the E-van-jerk-als why she links to a "heathen's" blog and that they would then, burn her for being a heretic. You know and I know that she comes here five times a day for her Katie fix.
Dale said…
At least she's having lean months as she says so I guess she hasn't been busy going all Natalie on us.
Mountjoy said…
Is is just me, or does that tied-up red headed sailors whore look more than just a little like Leewee? Gotta say, thinking about it has given me wood...
Bacon Lady said…
The Hearts at Home conference she blogged about was held right here in my motherfucking town!

I steered way clear of the maylay because "Hearts at Home" means "This the only 2 hours my husband will let me out the house by myself". The place surely reeked of righteous indignation and spontaneous prayer vigils.

Had I known she would have been there, I would have hitched up the stroller and headed out for a photo op.

For you.

Because you're cool like 'dat.
I didn't make it either. You're in good company, hon.

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