My favorite pick up line is "Let's play carnival, sit on my face and I'll guess your weight." Strangely enough I haven't been very successful with that one.
Anonymous said…
Katie: I snagged The Honey with the quickest, most direct pickup line ever..."I'd do you in a second."
It worked and I've been making his life miserable ever since.
Now he begs me to do him for even a second! (joke. I give him five minutes before my mind starts wandering. After ten minutes, he gets the hook - I've got shit to do!)
Given my heritage it's nice to ask, "Do you have some Irish in you?" "Would you like some Irish in you?"
The only line that works is..."I just sold my company for 800 million dollars, but before you get excited understand that it is 400 million after taxes. Still, don't you think 400 million is worth celebrating?"
I'm not sure what's more disturbing, the thrusting jacked sack. Or, his dirty orange palms color coordinated to match his freakpubes leading to the creepiest weepeen I've ever seen. And, I'm not even a size queen. Help me. I can't stop staring at it. Happy Halloweeeneeeee
Menses just commenced. It's 1:14 AM. I was asleep. That felt good. At 12:24, I popped up. I think I'm awake, maybe awakeish is more accurate. I'm always surprised when those handy-soapy-foamy-bottles run out of soap. For some lame ass reason, it never occurs to me that they ever will. They feel so lifetime supply , even though the bottles aren't more than 8 inches tall. Similarly, when I flip on a light switch and the light flickers to its death, I think "Now what?" Duh, schmuckette, you change the fucking light bulb . Intellectually, I know this, yet for some odd reason, it never comes to mind. In fact, a few years ago, my mother walked into my house and said, "Why aren't the lights working?" I said "I don't know, I flick the switch and they don't work." After a fit of uproarious laughter, she said, "Would it kill you to change the light bulb?” Hmmm. "No", I shamefully responded. I wonder why... it is that I hav...
Look what I found in my box today?! Aside from the fact that I'm a VADGE and there is a glaring typo " fie" instead of " fine" , they've made this dame a raging cunt- hate that (and her high, tight rack. Bitch ). Women don't behave this way. Women aren't cunty. Women don't emasculate men. That is not how we roll, yo. UPDATE : From the fabulous and flawless MonkeyMucker : Actually hon that's not a typo. the word "fie" is a somewhat rare wordthat is used to denote scorn or used in place of a swear or curse word.It was more popular in the old days, like say during the 16th thru 19th centuries . Who knew?! I had no idea. Simianboy, you're a wealth of knowledge. Grazie. Penis enlargement patches also do not work. If you want to keep your junk intact, don't be stickin' things in it, or on it that can damage the meat bat. Don't let anyone make you feel badly about your manhood, either. It's your dick, live it. Love it....
It worked and I've been making his life miserable ever since.
Now he begs me to do him for even a second! (joke. I give him five minutes before my mind starts wandering. After ten minutes, he gets the hook - I've got shit to do!)
That, and "free moustaches rides."
From one of Procrastinator Junior's fave cartoons, "Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends":
"Do you have a roadmap? Because I keep getting lost in your eyes."
The only line that works is..."I just sold my company for 800 million dollars, but before you get excited understand that it is 400 million after taxes. Still, don't you think 400 million is worth celebrating?"