Tickle Me Elmo Tmx Giggle and Shake Chair

ok... isn't this more of a toy for mom? it's a chair that vibrates for fuck sake. what part of child is synonymous with vibrate?! EXACTLY-- bupkas!


Woo hoo, loads of fun for the whole family! Just stopping by to say hello new BFF! I've been too tired/busy to blog or comment much lately. Tragic, really.
Katie Schwartz said…
bff cp, SO GREAT TO SEE YOU!!! as always, I missed you hard. so glad you're back.

real life... such a demanding bitch, ain't it?!

can't wait to read your new posts. this weekend?

Nicky said…
I read somewhere that the famous "Ma-nah-ma-nah" Muppets song was actually lifted from a Swedish porn movie from the 60s. I think Henson productions may be some kind of front. In any case, Henson was always very subversive in his approach to children's entertainment -- this can't be just a ill-advised toy concept; my gut says it was developed with a specific end in mind.
Anonymous said…
Hey now. Do you suppose people would think it was odd if I got one of these for my kids (ages 15, 11 and 8?)

The house could fall down around me and I'd just say "Honey, can you take care of that? I'm sitting on Elmo's face right now."

Shake, giggle. Happy Mom.
Eric Riback said…
Henson might have been subversive, but Disney, who now own the Muppets is not, at least not in that sense.

It could be a false memory, but I think I heard the manamana song pre-Muppets, and it wasn't on Swedish porn. I think it might have been Ernie Kovacs.

dCup - you should go for it. I love the thought of The Honey being jealous of Elmo.

Now, Katie, while I appreciate the use you allude to, plenty of kids, including myself, were fans of Magic Fingers when staying at motels in the 50s and 60s.

Put in a quarter, turn out the light
Magic fingers makes you feel alright

- Steve Goodman
Mountjoy said…
Ya gotta admit Katie, the nylon shag that is Elmo's pelt would be a real bitch to get body fluid stains out of.
nouseforaname said…
I never thought of Elmo quite like that, but hot damn I am gonna get one of those, now if only it came with mountable attachments, I would be in heaven.....
Anonymous said…
Kinda like when mechanical horses in front of grocery stores became a different kind of fun....

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