but, you're a vegetarian?!

whatever happened to minding your own pot? you have your cauldron of issues and I have mine. if you need more, visit your local homeless shelter. I promise you'll find gallons of crisis and agida begging for a few extra stirrers.
yesterday someone asked, why are you fat? you're a vegetarian. it's not the first time a presumptuous cow has asked me such a dumb ass question. I just answered with belligerent honesty this time.
well, you cunt sucking whore, I'm not sure, but it just might have something to do with the pre-menstrual whiz shots sans crackers I voraciously inhale. or perhaps it's the fine cheese cutlets eaten like steak with a side of mashed potatoes and salad. then again weekly fifths of sour cream masked as "dip" for chips isn't much of a help either. although, it's possible my appetizer parties for one might be the true culprit and reason for my sphere-ish figurine. in any case, it's none of your fucking business, now is it?!
it's an angry day.
As for the Vegetarian jibe, next time, ask the silly cunts if they have ever seen an elephant sittling down to a serve of ribs and a medium are t-bone? Those jumbos must get one bastard of a grill-up going back in the elephant house after dark while we humans are all asleep. I mean a couple of lousy peanuts aint gonna blimp you up now, right?