I overheard a disturbing conversation the other day between two broads "The lines are soooo long for early voting, imagine how long they will be on Nov 4th? I might just blow it off."



Do not leave your vote in the hands of others. This is our country and we need to reclaim it (that was so Barbara Streisand meets Shirley MacLaine).

Seriously, peeps... Vote!

[ Find Your Polling Place Voting Info For Your State Know Your Voting Rights Report Voting Problems ]

Thanks for the links, Frannygirl!


Randal Graves said…
If you ever make another post without using the word cunt I'm boycotting you for a whole day.
Anonymous said…
Vote early and vote often.
Mauigirl said…
Well said!

What I don't understand is WTF is wrong with these areas of the country that have such long lines? Here in NJ I have NEVER, in more than 35 years of voting, seen a line like that in front of a polling place. Are these parts of the country just inept? What is UP with that? It must be part of the vast right-wing conspiracy trying to suppress turnout.
No shit! I had a personal meeting with my local state senator because I was freaked out that I registered to vote over 2 weeks ago and my name was still not showing up on the official rolls. She swore to me that "we do NOT have voting irregularites in San Diego" and promised I would be able to vote. I called the registrar of voters again yesterday and thankfully I am FINALLY showing up on the rolls.

But if there does end up being a problem you had better believe I am going to raise the biggest stink since (insert your own dirty joke here.)
okjimm said…
VOTE! Yessiree, bob! I voted almost three weeks ago. Pizza Pie!

This close to an election.... I no longer bother with Party Logic.... I just bitch at people to vote.

I would love a Dem landslide..... just slightly more than a record voter turnout! I hope we have both!
I'm all up in ya sister. Vote like there is no fucking tomorrow, like there are lives on the line, like you motherfuckin' mean it.
Katie Schwartz said…
Randall, I apologize for failing you. The cuntessa begs for forgiveness from you. Please, please, please.
Katie Schwartz said…
YES, Lebowski!
Katie Schwartz said…
Mauigirl, I agree with you! Lines or no lines, vote. It does feel wingnutty driven, doesn't it?
Katie Schwartz said…
Katie Schwartz said…
Me too, OkJimm. Here's to hoping.
Katie Schwartz said…

This is BEAUTIFUL: Vote like there is no fucking tomorrow, like there are lives on the line, like you motherfuckin' mean it. One of the most beauuuuutiful sentences I've evah read. Looooove it.
@ JEWGIRL: If this were two days ago, I might have written that Obama will win CA easily but NO ON 8 is crucial and just sit back relax and enjoy the Obama win and hope like hell 8 gets defeated.

However....having seen needledick Schwarzenegger who isn't fit to mow the Obama family's lawn or take out it's garbarg or clean its roof gutters making fun of Barack Obama and knowing how weirdly beloved he is in California, I want ALL Californians to vote TWICE for Obama. I just want to see him win by 40 points or something.

If I ever move back to the states, I think I'm going to change my name officially to Jeremiah Wright, Bill Ayers, or Trig Palin.
Ray_Haque said…
The only thing that bothers me more than the idea that "voting is too much trouble" is the idea that "I don't read, watch debates, or know anything about the candidates -- but I will be first in line on November 4th!".
Fran said…
For fucking cuntsakes- VOTE!
Joe said…
Katie, it's not like I'd forget, but I still love your reminders!

I'm going to spend election day driving people to vote. I'm volunteering for Dan Seals (IL10) and I'm excited. Even though I can't make a difference for Obama (it's ILLINOIS, FOR F*CKS SAKE) it's a tight congressional race in my district and I'd love to help get rid of the Republican incumbent.
Anonymous said…
I think this election has attracted higher voter turnout than any other time in MY adult life (and I'm 45).

THat's why there are lines. And because people aren't blindly accepting they can't vote. Awareness is up. I hate that someone would blow it offf. ugh.

I think it bodes well for Obama that there is overwhelming voter turnout. I can't imagine anyone being THAT fired up over McSame.
Cormac Brown said…
But if we don't vote, we'll have the wackiest comedic superhero duo ever with "Big Hair & Combover Man!"

Seriously, you knew this is just killing comedians. No one wants four more years of this crap, but the alternative for them is that they will have to work harder for their material.
Anonymous said…
I promise I will vote. Even if it means I have to stand in line for a whole damn day listening to the yahoos, rightwingers, and nearly toothless, spitting inbreeds "how'yoooo?" each other until my ears bleed.
Katie Schwartz said…
Kelso, I am very worried about Prop 8, too. In the polls, it's looking like Obama has/will take CA. I agree with you re: Prop 8. I'm scurred. I hope everyone votes NO. NO. NO. It's blatant discrimination.
Katie Schwartz said…
Ray, YES, that is so true. I find it maddening when people are clueless about what they're voting for on the 4th. How fucktarded can you be, you know?!?!?!

Now is not the time to be living in a cave.
Katie Schwartz said…
Beautifully said, Frannygirl!
Katie Schwartz said…
Bubbsie, you are such a mensch. PS: I read about that on your blog and tweeted about it to folks in IL. :)
Katie Schwartz said…
HW, I totally agree. Obams is the reason voter registration was the highest ever and why early voter turnout is the highest it's ever been and hopefully will be come Tuesday.

I can't imagine someone not voting either.
Katie Schwartz said…
"Big Hair & Combover Man!" <-- Too funny.

McPain in the asses loss of shame will be great fodder for comics.
Katie Schwartz said…
Aww, Dcup, I feel for ya girl. I am so proud of you for standing in line. I will be doing the same. I'm lining up at 6AM.
Anonymous said…
I heard a story the other day a about a woman who called a school to ask if she could vote early. The school is a polling place and since NY does not do early voting, she asked if she could anyway because "Tuesday doesn't work for me. I've got too much to do."

Let's hope she's voting for McCain.

FYI. I'm voting early tomorrow to make sure I don't miss out on my chance.

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