Dish and That

My best friend, Jonuel Pozo is having his FIRST show at the OJO Gallery in Jersey City. Guthy and Bubbsie met him and loved him. He's fabulous. The show is called Meage a Quatre and his photographs will be featured. His photography work is like nothing you've ever seen. He's wildly talented.

Jersey City Artists Studio Tour 2008
Saturday, October 4th: 12-6
Sunday, October 5th: 12-6
Cocktail party tonight: 4-7
201-736-6922 /

Please attend! You will not be disappointed, I promise. I wish Wellie had a website I could send you to, but he doesn't. Other artists featured include, Marco Beria (adore him), Stefan Umaerus and Steve Cummings. Their work is deliciously dark.


Randal Graves said…
Dark is icky. Why can't they take pictures of sunflowers and Sarah Palin?
Joe said…
Oh man I wish I could go. Tell him we said hi!

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