So Much Dish, So Little Time

I think it's offensive and insulting as hell to women, to think that we demmy broads would jump ship and vote for McCain because Palin has a vagina. Are you fucking kidding me?! SUCK MY OVARIES.
I have news, Palin is a republican who wants to throw women back 50 years. She's anti-abortion, anti-equality, anti-gay marriage, she's opposed to universal health care, and if that shit-stew isn't disturbing enough, she's also pro-war, and a member of the NRA. Oh, there's more to come, children. This is the tip of the Palinstormberg.
Hillary represents equality for women in the truest sense of the word. I would never vote for Palinstine, ever. When Biden and Palin debate, folks who are worried that he'll hold back, I wouldn't give it a second thought. No way, no how will he give her an inch, there's too much at stake.
I am hoppin', I'm so furious about this nomination. All of the women I've discussed it with so far are as disgusted as I am. During Obama's speech, I felt an overwhelming sense of pride to be an American. I haven't felt that in a long time, too long. Obama represents hope, change and progress. In my lifetime, I never thought I'd see a woman or an African American receive a nomination for presidency. I cried tears of joy as he spoke after receiving his nomination. Mazel fuckin' Tov and looooooooong overdue. Still.
I found lots of good dish online and I know all of yas have, too. 2 Top Alaska Newspapers Question Palin's Fitness and this 'Troopergate' inquiry lurks for Palin.
My good friend Katherine Tomlinson of Gourmet Food Garden interviewed Joanne Renaud, an artist we adore, about food, history and art. Quite a kick ass interview: Check it out.
My good blog friend Romius, the only fellow I know who can slam me and love me in under three paragraphs nominated my post And Now A Word From Coco's Cavernous... as his Blog Friend of the Day™, for which I am eternally grateful. And he wonders why I adore him?! Isn't it obvious. More on that in a forthcoming post.
On Monday, September 1st, the very first essay for the Who Wants to Fuck McCunt Contest will be posted. Yas'll have one week to cast your vote (in comments). I expect to see lots of dish coming from yas. This essay, lemme tell ya, it's a doozy, from the man who invented munt. That's all yas are gettin' fer now. Finally, (oy, does she ever stop hockin?!) submissions will be accepted through October and you can send words, images, videos or audio clips. Winners with the most comments receive a dozen Jintrinsique original Bojamacakes (cupcakes)!
I know, I haven't read "Pantsed" yet, but judging from your entries, I bet it's hilarious!
Did you really write that about Honest Joe Biden and Ain't-No-Lady Sarah Palin?
Dr. Freud! Calling Dr. Freud!
People seem not to care that McCunt got his marriage licence with Cunty while he was still married to Limpy.
People who vote for GOP cuntidates don't seem to care that they are lying assholes without a whit of virtue.
As long as they say they are into family values, close enough.
Hey, don't forget that she was runner-up to Miss Alaska 1984, so that sews up the beauty paegent crumbs, er...crowd. She also has plenty of experience at being a mayor of a small Alaskan berg, so this experience makes her absolutely qualified to run one of the most powerful and influential nations on Earth when McPain's bitter body gives in...right around being sworn in.
At least we know where she stands with choice, she wants it put down like the moose that she hunts.
My pleasure.
Thanks for the shout out.
Emotionally Pantsed isn't out yet, but it is forthcoming. Thanks for the vote of confidence :)
Palin comparison, though, to the turn to c-word McAngerMissManagement's new relationship will take after the upcoming VP debatacle and subsequent pollplunging.