
Hall and Oates Then...

Hall and Oates Now....

What's changed?


They look less effeminately gay .....more like "I'll make you my bitch" type gay these days. I'm thinking this may have been exactly what happened to Oates, did some time as a prison bitch.
Katie Schwartz said…
hahahaha. Oh, DrugMonkey, you are so wrong. Oates screams rehab prison bitch.
Eebie said…
Wow, I remember in the 80's joking that Hall & Oates was a breakfast cereal. Now they kind of look like a bad LSD trip.
Eebie said…
Sheeet, is that really a sport coat over a shirt with a hood? WTF? Oh, damn, buy some quality dope gents.
Doreen Orion said…
Hall looks like he's eaten some Oates.
Eric Riback said…
Dang - his moustache fell off!
Fran said…
I know a dirty story about them, my friend's cousin used to be a sometime backup singer with them in the 70's and very early 80's.

Let it suffice to say that when I hear the song "One on One" from them, I immediately start singing "Several on One, I Wanna Play That Game Tonight..."

And school girl uniforms, big on the plaid skirt, the white blouse.

Oy gevalt.
DivaJood said…
They switched facial hair. They got wrinkles. And I still don't know which one is who.
Cormac Brown said…
"What's changed?"

We still don't know who Oates is, unless it's mentioned. Seriously, can you imagine being a platnium artist and a millionaire, and have nobody recognize you at all?
Unknown said…
John Oates looks like Chico from the Marx Brothers.

Check out the stems on Jean Harlow in this shot too.

Creepy said…
Oates has been replaced by Howard Stern's producer, BabaBooey.
Smoking crack changes everything.
Freida Bee said…
Oates's hair shrunk and Hall's taste in clothing got much better.

Katie, "Hall and Oates 2008, I Can Go for That" is one of my biggest search terms. Maybe you'll get invited to the Hall and Oates Yahoo Group like me now. I infiltrated it for... uh, journalistic purposes.
Dale said…
Their faces got wide.

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