It's Official

I've made the commitment. I broke up with my old template in favor of this diva. I needed something brighter. It's been a hell of a week... to be discussed latah. This was the perfect distraction. If I stupidly left anybody's link off the list or linked incorrectly, please e-stalk me and let me know so I can correct it. Grazarella.

I'm off like a prom dress for no particular reason. Okay, that's not true. I have so much to do and a gazillion emails to return. Who doesn't, right? Oy, are we busy, we millennium goils and guys.

I'm listening to Georgia on my Mind and it always, always, always reminds me of my darling coffey.


Anonymous said…
Looks fabulous!!!!!!

I dig the new look. Sometimes you just need a change.
Amy Guth said…
OMG, I LOVE it! It's so YOU!
Bacon Lady said…
Beautious. Gorgeous. Just like you.

Now that I've brown-nosed, can I get back on your blogroll? know I meant every word up there.

Big wet sloppy kisses,
Bacon Lady
Anonymous said…
"e-stalk" :D That´s a funny expression. The pic looks great! Greetz
Cup said…
I absolutely LOVE this template! It's so Katie — feminine without being girly, sexy with just a hint of slut — and, of course, fabulously retro.

I love that songs remind me of you. Have you heard Conway Twitty and Sam Moore's cover of "Rainy Night in Georgia"? To die for, doll.
DivaJood said…
Fabulous look, dahlink. I think the outfit is worthy of a Diva, so I will bestow Divaness upon you.

And I do like the overall brightness - I recently changed my template, lost tons of shit, but it was worth it to rebuild and clean the look.
Cormac Brown said…
Is that woman in the pic, vogue-ing?

Thanks a lot, now I have that stupid song stuck in my head ; )
Katie Schwartz said…
Exactly, DivaD. Grazie.
Katie Schwartz said…
Right, Guthyroo?! I'm thrilled you think so, too. Graz.
Katie Schwartz said…
Bacon Lady, I am so glad you brought that to my attention. Please, we are linkdating for life "blog in- blog out - word"
Katie Schwartz said…
donchya love e-stalk? it's a fave of mine, billikins.
Katie Schwartz said…
Bethy, you are such a doll. You nailed it, girlie.

ps: Thanks for e-stalking me the song.
Katie Schwartz said…
coming from the true DIVA-J, I take that as a serious compliment, my dear.

Totally agree with you re: change.
Katie Schwartz said…
And now "Vogue" is stuck in my head. Why thank you, C-Brown :)
Freida Bee said…
I luvluvluv it!!!!!!

I think I owe you some e-stalktion. Imminent.
Freida Bee said…
I luvluvluv it!!!!!!

I think I owe you some e-stalktion. Imminent.
Fran said…
What can I say? Lips quiver, juices flow, I read on.

Tanya Espanya said…
Can you stand one more slobbery-I-love-it? I love it!
Eebie said…
Love the new layout...très chic!
DivaJood said…
I completely forgot to mention the gorgeous pink cross-my-heart uplift at the top. Uber-fabulous.
Cormac Brown said…
"Why thank you, C-Brown"

What? You and Madonna started it ; )
Gail said…
Love this, Katie!!! Also, I did see the weight loss in the picture... you look amazing (not that you didn't already look amazing) just you more so!
Joe said…
I love this new look! It's perfect!
Al Sensu said…
You know how I love torpedo tits!
Katie Schwartz said…
Grazarella, DivaBee :)
Katie Schwartz said…
Oh, we do love our vulva lip twitching goodness, don't we, frannylish?!
Katie Schwartz said…
From you, Teeny, hells yeah, girlie. I'm so glad ya dig it.
Katie Schwartz said…
thanks, eebalish!
Katie Schwartz said…
don't you love the hooters, divaJoo?! That bra did it for me.
Katie Schwartz said…
Ha, CB, ha!

Thank you for re-reminding me about the shawng. I got it out of my head for 5 minees.
Katie Schwartz said…
grazie, bubbsiekins
Katie Schwartz said…
Sensu, nobody loves torpeytitties like you, doll :)
I love the new look.

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