I think I'm redesigning the bloggy. Stay calm. Breathe with me. Adding all my links. Just finding my way around. Remember, change is good and begets more change. This could be a very positive thing for all of us.

PS: Need this distraction. DO NOT BREAK UP WITH ME. Loving...


Fran said…
Fucking gorgeous, I am moist as a result.

Shit Katie - I am loving this hard.

And you my Shuf-fulicious love.
Katie Schwartz said…
Frannygirl, my moist bubbalah, I am so glad you are loving it. Ah, relieved squared.

I think I got all my links up, too. I will double check tamarah, my shufalicious goddess.

Romius T. said…
like the new blog type, oh and I think you left my blogs off I am sure that was a mistake , right? oh ok yeah....
Romius T. said…
oops ok self help is there so I guess i wll just complain that bathos was not added damn it!
Madam Z said…
Does this mean you won't be using your old banner? I thought it was spectacular, and hate to see it go.
Katie Schwartz said…
Romius, I got your back, yo! I took care'o business. Sorry for the oversight. Our link courtship is for life.
Katie Schwartz said…
Yes, it does, Madam Z. I did keep the banner on my website, I wanted a blog lift, a complete change, something bright and upbeat.

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