Thrift Store Worker Returns 30K

Read the story, it's short and afterwards read my Howard Cosellian response. If you think it's cunty, fine, fine, fine.
"POMONA, Calif. - A thrift store worker in Southern California says she didn't think twice about returning $30,000 she found in donated clothing.
Barbarita Nunez was sorting clothes on Tuesday at the Veterans Thrift Store when she found a small box. Inside was an envelope of cash. Nunez said at first she thought the money was fake. But just in case, she gave it to her supervisor.
The money turned out to belong to a woman who had recently died. It was returned to her family, who gave Nunez a cash reward.
Nunez said she will send some of the reward to Mexico so her mother can have an eye operation and will use the rest to buy a digital camera."
If I found 30K in that situation, I admit it, I'd keep it, I would. I really would. What cracks me up is the cliche ending of the yarn. I'm just sayin'.
(I say if they were poor they would not be donating clothes, so they must be rich enough not to miss it. Thank you very much. Before you go judging, I'd buy the eye operation and a digital camera for some nice folks.)
I would have bought some more bags or bales of clothes and searched the pockets. No way I'm giving back 30,000.