Oh, Oh, Oh, I Almost Forgot

Today while dishing with my accountant's assistant, I asked, "Can I fax my tax dish over instead of dropping it off?"
He said, "Oh, sure, honey, no problem. Who is this?"
I said, "Katie Schwartz."
He said, "Fabulous! Fax it on over, HARRY."
Admittedly, I was perplexed and said, "I'm not Harry, I'm Katie Schwartz."
I kid you not, he said, "Yes, I know, Harry."
Jaw dropped, so like a dumb ass, I asked, "Is there someone in the office with you who thinks you're dishing with a Harry?"
He said, "No, it's just me."
I was so fuckin' irritated, I said, "WELL, I'M NOT HARRY. I'M KATIE."
And he said, "Yeah, I know."
Is it fucktard Monday?! For the love....
Again, I asked, "Why do you keep calling me Harry?"
He said, "I don't know."
Now, I'm wondering, do I have a huskyish, maley voice? I thought I sounded like a chick. Cormac? Guthy? Do I sound like a woman or a man, give it to me straight. I can take it.
As for the husky voice, we've never dished via phone, but if you've got that sexy, Melissa Ethridge like, raspy sound, could you leave me a voicemail for when I get lonely...
His brain was probably deep-fried, as most in that profession are this time of the year. That, or...
"Fabulous! Fax it on over, HARRY."
He was doin' something onanistic with a pic of one of the royal offspring.
And who said Accountancy can't be enjoyable?
*UFE = Uniform Fucking Exam.
I can learn you.
I can learn you real good.
i can't say if you have a man-voice or man-hands or if you're mantastic, but to me and everyone else here, you're all woman, katie.
Harry. It is very jewy.
And you know that I say that with a lot of love. As my friend Debi (who lives near you and is a jewgirl and a writer and you should meet) always says I am the jewiest goy.