Okay, Point Fucking Blank!

First, see this fabulous image?! Courtesy of my good friend Bubbsie. You do know why he sent it to me, right? You can see it?

Second, which one-a-youse has broken up with me?! I have Technorati and my links have dropped scandalously low in the past 30-days. A girl takes a blogatus to finish her book and suddenly you chop her from your life? Ah. I'm appalled. I thought we had something special. I thought we were lovin'on each other (love that word "lovin'on. It's so white trash). What happened? I want names!


Fran said…
To use a word I made up for our earlier bout of e-stalking...


WTF is Fetal Heart Custody? (OK you little bastard, we took your fucking heart, we have it in custody...)

But the real reason you love this image (oh that Bubs!), that is the BEST!
Madam Z said…
Tell it like it is, Baby!

Don't worry, Katie. *I* haven't "broken up" with you, though I can't speak for your other fickle friends. But it's fuckin' WINTER here, Katie. It's dark. It's cold. It's windy. It sucks! It blows! Madam Z will bloom again, when the daffodils and tulips make their appearance. Say hello to the sunshine and seashore from me. Sigh.
Anonymous said…
I'm dying here!
I'm reminded of MathMan's friend who used to call Burger King...Burger Twat. One day he said it in front on his dad and his dad said, "....for pity's sake, Bill, can't you call it something else?"

To which MathMan's friend responded, "how about Burger Cunt?"

P.S. I would never break up with you and your large breasts. I might just devote a whole blogroll to links to you to make up for the loss. But I've noticed that Technortwati has been acting rather strangely of late. Maybe it's going through the change?
Fran said…
BTW, I neglected to say that I think Technorati needs help, you are not the only person I know in this sitchy right now.

Who would not want to be linked up to YOU????

They would need their cun... ooops I mean head examined.
Eebie said…
Honey, I still read but am kaput by the end of the day and often fail to write. I'm there for ya babe. I love your stuff.

By the way, aren't you coming to Jew York soon. I want to give yaz a big hug in person. OXO!!!
Joe said…
Aw, come on baby, you KNOW I'm still lovin' on you, right? Doan be like that...

Thanks for the love, by the way. I'm always happy to help out.
Tanya Espanya said…
Ohthehumanity, where on earth did you find this, Bubs?!

How fantastic?!

And of course you know I could never break up with you, as I constantly crush you with my love.

Al Sensu said…
I would break up with you if we could get back together and have make-up sex.
Adam Deutsch said…
Funny. That looks exactly like the sign I have on the door to my apartment....
Dale said…
Maybe they're just off writing their cunt exam? Those things are a killer!
Not necessarily in defense of others, the Technorati giveth and the Technorati taketh away.

Arbitrarily, yea, verily.

My third blog never goes above seven links, no matter who or how many people link to it.

BTW, note that LeeWee dropped you, yet again. You've stopped mentioning her and so she's put you in blogroll purgatory, along with husbandsthatstealtheirwiveshairspay.blogspot.com
It wasn't me but you better jack up the lovin' on me quotient or I may leave you for a gentile chick with big boobs. ( I kid, I could never leave my Jewess Princess.)
Cup said…
Technorati reworked their links count last year. A lot roll off after 365 days.

I had my cunt examined this weekend. Seems it's very Georgia O'Keefe.
Anonymous said…
That's Georgia O'Keeffe - two 'F's
And it's 'Finnegans Wake' - no apostrophe.

Large mammaries have you? Ahhh Katertot I am devastated, not my style. Hips, thighs and cunt, not necessarily in that order but most likely, are my 'talking points'.
I think people who link to other people are the 'luckiest people in the world'.
Don't link to me though, CSIS and/or the CIA will get you. Besides I no longer blog - blogging is for cunts!
Creepy said…
I bet all the interns are always loitering in in that room.
Amy Guth said…

So as I was reading this, my neighbor shouted "cuntfuck" as she and he dudefriend were about to shag. I say "about to" because they are, at present, shagging and she is, per usual, shouting his first and last name. Anyway, it's all delightful to hear while reading such a cuntastic post. Like cunt in stereo.
Fran said…
And just think... In our own great so-called "free society" a certain play is often advertised as the "Hoo Hah Monologues" lest anyone be offended by what is a descriptive word for a body part.

There are idiots in this country who need their cun... I mean head examined!
Happy Valentine's Day, Katie-lah!
Are you kidding me with this? You will ALWAYS have a link at CPW, even if I'm too busy to make regular rounds at all my favorite blogs.

This picture kills me. I am trying to figure out if they meant something else but misspelled it - or if they really mean vaginal exams. But they have a separate line item for gyno so I'm confused. But it's awesome!
Brocklesnitch said…
Maybe Jane Fonda wrote that sign.
Anonymous said…
i did a sixteen-take on this one.

i laughed, i cried, my dick fell off.

giving me said cunt.

how have i never visited this site before? what is wrong with me?
Ms Smack said…
Hello my darling.

I need to let you know pronto that it's not a drop in friends, its the recycled count of Technorati. If we link your blog on our blog, it only counts for 6 months. Your number will decrease if no new people link you, sugar.

I went from 125 links to 27 in a matter of days and thought people hated me too :(

Go thru the help pages of Technorati and lookie.

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