Housewife Tarot

From the 50s... I think I'm in love. I'm overcompensating for my shitty blogger of the year award by over-posting. Shameful, isn't it? I know. I know. I know.


Amy Guth said…
OMG, I have to get a set of Housewife Tarot.
Mister Mxyzptlk said…
Overpost all you want... It's a wonderful relief to read you. I had to work all weekend on tech support documentation.
Anonymous said…
I'm still hooked on the free tarot at

(The site probably costs corporate America millions a year in lost productivity!)
Happy Hannukah Katie-lah!
Joe said…
Where did you find those?

Oh, and before I forget--happy Hanukkah!!

And you are sooooo not shitty blogger of the year.
Mountjoy said…
I can just picture some of the other cards from the set:

The Fishwife
The Old Soak

and of course...

The Cleaning Lady
You are tagged, no obligation.
Dale said…
Those cards should keep you cool Ms. Hottie.

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