Danny Bonaduce's Creepy Peen

I'm not sure what's more disturbing, the thrusting jacked sack. Or, his dirty orange palms color coordinated to match his freakpubes leading to the creepiest weepeen I've ever seen. And, I'm not even a size queen.
Help me. I can't stop staring at it.
Happy Halloweeeneeeee
You've blinded me!
1. Ew.
2. The cross is a nice touch.
3. I'm glad I'm not a heterosexual.
4. It seems kind of small.
5. Was he eating cheetos?
(hang on one second, I'm going to go throw up and pour acid in my eyes)
You bet I'm jealous.
Where on God's green earth did you FIND that nightmarish picture? I mean, clearly Danny boy is in action of some kind. What? Is he showing off his martial arts prowess while naked? Is he chasing a tranny hooker who just stole his wallet? What?
I hate you for making me look at Danny Bonaduce's dick. I just don't like you anymore.
No more.
Naomi: Ok Ill tell you why. Its because of THIS!
[jumps on the barstool and lifts her skirt]
Calvin, Mitch, Monty: OH! MY GOD!
Naomi: Yea! Bang! Pow! Pow! Pow!
Monty: Its so angry!
Naomi: [screeches and hisses like cat]
Calvin: Oh GOD does that thing have its shots? Put it away! Just put iy away!
Naomi: Dinner is served!
Calvin: Well its official, my penis is now just for show.
I wonder if its a side effect of all those years of snorting shit?
Payback, if so.