paris hilton's generosity is boundless

the caption: "HAIR TO SPARE :: Before hitting the Hollywood club scene for the first time since her release from jail, Paris Hilton picks up some boxes of her own line of Clip 'n' Go hair extensions at a Beverly Hills salon on Friday."

we know the hair isn't for the cancer crowd because that would be, um, well, you know, human. I betchya, the clip-n-go pare-hair is probably for the homeless. yes, that's gotta be it.


Anonymous said…
Wigs for our Hasidic Sisters?

The blonde Arian ones that is.
Mountjoy said…
Does Paris do a line of merkins?
Katie Schwartz said…
I wonder if she's going to clip it onto her flange for a night of dancing sans panties.
Katie Schwartz said…
oh yes, can you imagine the hassid crew picking up paris hair, dulch? the shame.
Katie Schwartz said…
what's a merkin? it's a short bus day.
Mountjoy said…
That’d be a public wig, Katster:

(gotta love that photo!)
Katie Schwartz said…
mount joy, that is fucking HYSTERICAL and brilliant.

you know, I fall in love with you a little bit more each and every day.

Someone actually named their kid Merkin. You know how fucked up my real name is, so I can't exactly comment.
Anonymous said…
i dont see why paris would need thoes shes got enough in her hair. what a tan i must sayy.
Anonymous said…
haha, yeah... a nice tan... look at her hands, that's where the ' tan ' ends ;)
Anonymous said…
OMFG! Look at her out fit, she looks like shes waring a coach coming out from the eighties!
♥♥♥Ithought she could afford real extensions☻☺☻☺
Anonymous said…
I like Paris Hiltons hair, I get my hair extensions from they do the paris hilton blonde which is nice xx

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