8 things you don't know about me... again

guthalicious tagged me, too, for an 8 things you don't know about me meemish. have you read her meme? it's hilar squared. run. read. now.
the rules for said meemish can be found here.
8 things you don't know about me
the rules for said meemish can be found here.
8 things you don't know about me
- I lost my virginity in sonoma my freshman year of college. don't feel sorry for me, I was a slut long before the hymen split.
- I got caught fucking in the marin headlands in a bunker.
- I emailed my first blow-job. he emailed me back. he had no recollection of the event. he became a bit of a crack addict. awww. and he was such a nice jewish boy, too. we keep in touch from time to time.
- I had sex on a trampoline in durham, england.
- I love bahbra's duets. it's a shortcoming, I know.
- I love women and I wish more women loved women. I meet far too many women who don't love or appreciate women and it makes me a very blue jew.
- I loathe pussies.
- I have commitment issues.
I am tagging. vonneguts asshole. the daily pitchfork. creepykins. cpunchman. dale. teeny. hard-and-fast. nurse ratched. drug nazi. self help boy.
I love women too.
I thought you tagged me? Where is it?
Ya lying cuntbutler!
Somehow, I hear you saying during pre-coitus "I don't know, Bob, I don't think Ranger Smith is going to like this."
I dunno, maybe it's just me.
"I loathe pussies.
I have commitment issues."
I know, I know. LeeWee has lamented to me about both issues and she said she'll give it all up for you, if you just give her the high sign.