hey kids, guess what!

did ya's read about the bomb threat at fallie's funeral? in the true spirit of censorship, a liberty-u student was going to take out all of the protesters with a gasoline - detergent bomb. what a clever boy. he was going to give burning flesh that fresh spring scent with tide. I was hoping someone would lynch falwell's corpse and adorn him in a mint green taffeta gown with some paris hilton pink lipstick and a pair of last season jimmy choo's.
I had a lovely white trash read, too, this week, short on truckers, haulers seek couples. the first sentence was just flawless: HELENA, Mont. -- Jim and Eva Sisler. that was all I needed to read to know the score. for you non-american readers, steak-seafood-sizzler, the all you can eat for 8 dollar trailereena buffet is an institution. I've never fucked in a truck cab. I think I'm going to have to give that a whirl. I did fuck an alaskan seafisherman once in his boat...
Thanks for the tip too; I see now I need to buy a Peterbilt cab to satify that other lust. Knock down (or up) two birds with one stone.
I let off a cackle that scared my cat! Can't! Stop! Laughing! HAHAHAHAHA!