hey kids, guess what!

I'm menstruating. isn't that fabulous! menses commenced 48 hours ago. it's shock and awe betwixt my gentle thighs. I'm over the moon. I love menstruating. I could live without the cramps, but... whatrya gonna do?!

did ya's read about the bomb threat at fallie's funeral? in the true spirit of censorship, a liberty-u student was going to take out all of the protesters with a gasoline - detergent bomb. what a clever boy. he was going to give burning flesh that fresh spring scent with tide. I was hoping someone would lynch falwell's corpse and adorn him in a mint green taffeta gown with some paris hilton pink lipstick and a pair of last season jimmy choo's.

I had a lovely white trash read, too, this week, short on truckers, haulers seek couples. the first sentence was just flawless: HELENA, Mont. -- Jim and Eva Sisler. that was all I needed to read to know the score. for you non-american readers, steak-seafood-sizzler, the all you can eat for 8 dollar trailereena buffet is an institution. I've never fucked in a truck cab. I think I'm going to have to give that a whirl. I did fuck an alaskan seafisherman once in his boat...


Nice marriage, between the mention of your menses and that Bosch-inspired Norman Rockwell of a kid eating pork n' beans...

Eebie said…
I loved the article on the couple commadeering an 18 wheeler - appeals to my wander lust. Alas, I do feel I am still just the modern day middle class hobo.

Thanks for the tip too; I see now I need to buy a Peterbilt cab to satify that other lust. Knock down (or up) two birds with one stone.
Mountjoy said…
Well it explains the kid's satanic grin, WP....
Amy Guth said…
"...for you non-american readers, steak-seafood-sizzler, the all you can eat for 8 dollar trailereena buffet is an institution."

I let off a cackle that scared my cat! Can't! Stop! Laughing! HAHAHAHAHA!

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