lisa whelchel is bringing prayer back to school

you must read this: "Off the top of my head, not being a teacher or having any idea what a teacher needs prayer for, these are the six categories and examples of prayer focuses I’ve come up with so far."
leewee, the jeewee authority is writing a book about prayer for teachers, but has no idea what to say. let's recap, leewee the jeewee authority is writing a book about prayer for teachers and has no idea what to say.
Students (eg; Desire to Learn, Focus, Confidence, etc…)
School (eg; School Board, Finances, Safety, etc…)
Faculty (eg; Fellow Teachers, Principal, Teacher Aids, etc…)
Department of Education (Funding, Textbooks, Laws, etc…)
Other Learning Opportunities (Homeschoolers, Private Schools, Field Trips, etc…)
funding, textbooks and laws are my favorite topics. why I can't wait to see what leepee has to say! I imagine she'll find all sorts of loopholes to interject prayer into our public school system. way to go, leewee!
Please God give me an A on the test and I'll never ask for anything again.
Please God let Lisa say yes when I call and ask her out.
Please God let Lisa cathc the clap since she laughed when I asked her out.
Please God at least let it be a D and I'll never ask for anything again.
Please God don't let it be my gym clothes that reek this bad.
Please God I hope Blair does nude in some film soon.
I prayed a lot in school too Lisa. He never seemed to listen.
Maybe she can inject prayer into prayer. "Dear Jesus, I hope I'm praying hard enough for you. Anyway, back to those genital warts...."
P.S. You are beyond fabulous.
PS: I'm sorry I said "OMG." Please forgive me.