the scared straight of food

for anyone who is a food addicted whore like me, you have got to watch the scared straight of eating. seriously. I eat 33,000 calories a day took my wig off. that's an expression, I have a full do.

when you eat yourself out of cheekbones and into a bed ridden, horizontal diaper wearing person, it's just heartbreaking. what was so fascinating about this show was that you could SO clearly see how easy it is to get there, even though you think it isn't.


nouseforaname said…
I don't know..... I got into this big discussion a friend about the soap box that people get on, and how others should accept them for who they are... sure... good enough, but we also have to accept ourselves and strive to be the best healthy version of ourselves that we can be... it does seem like the whole morbid obese thing could be around the corner for any of us, without some serious mirror dwelling and motivation... I suppose it could happen to anyone... but fuck we gotta take more stock in ourselves not always for self esteem and fashion sake but also for health and for the ones we love....
Creepy said…
I came across that show but after seeing the show about the 1,000 pound guy a few months back couldn't bear to watch it. I can see a hundred, maybe even two hundred pounds overweight being "around the corner," however, when you can no longer get around and have to be bathed by others I would think reality would set in.
Anonymous said…
Not even on my worst day. Wait. Nope. Not even on my worst day.

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