and now for.... fartkisaf

fartkisaf: friday's fears and reminder that katie is a freak.... but on saturdays.

1) that I'll be stuck forever.
2) that throwing out my garbage every single day isn't enough and should be increased to twice a day given my severe phobia of maggots.
3) that I'll always be a 5-7 day menstruator versus a 3-day-er.
4) that I'm being haunted by dead people.
tune in next week for more fears and chronic reminders that katie is in fact a big fat freak.


"that I'm being haunted by dead people."

Naw, that's just Lisa Welchel without her makeup...

BTW, she wants her Tupperware back.
Anonymous said…
Katie: Welcome back to posting - I was missing you!

I might have some maggot aversion therapy posted for you later.

Your KS addicted friend,
Katie Schwartz said…
oh, wp, you are a stitch!

remember that expression?
Katie Schwartz said…
thanks, d-goddess! you are such a honey.

give me the maggot therapy recipe, please, dahlink!!!

Katie Schwartz said…
then I think that will qualify me for a remake of mj's thriller video, lewch.

I'm such a cash cow. who knew?!
"oh, wp, you are a stitch!
remember that expression?"

Yeah, it was started by this Victor guy, I can't remember his last name. Victor Von's on the tip of my tongue. Victor Von Frankenschwartz? No, that's not it...
Mountjoy said…

menstruatrix, perchance?
Al Sensu said…
"that I'm being haunted by dead people."

Who else would you expect to haunt you?

that I'll always be a 5-7 day menstruator

I assure you that won't happen. Eventually you'll hit menopause.

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