10 things meemish tags

you know that 10 things freak out post?! well, wp asked me to do a 10 things you need to know about katie post. if I'm gonna do this, so are YOU... see the list?! you better do it. we'll call this meem:

"the 10 things about meemish that I really don't want to tell you but will because I'm a freak."

wp: I know you hate me right now
riback: if you sigh in irritated fashion, mister mister, you know the consequences. I'm pms'ng
sensu: I can hear the, you cuntsteinowitz from hell, pouring out of your mouth.
politits: you're a spirited jewgirl and will have MUCH to say on the topic!
bubs: come on... you gotta do it. <- that's guilt.
mount joy: the shock value alone will be worth it and you haven't posted in a hundred years.
johnny yenta: do it!
evil spockowitz: you have to do it in third person.
lewchers: anything less than sarcasm will not be accepted
skirmish of wit: witty and clever always rules out.
self help: throw me a bone, wouldjya?!
daleish: PLEASE!!!

the other peeps I would also LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to do this, but who probably won't are: lesbian dad, crionaberry, doc, amers, cpunch, bathos, drug boy, whineish, the daily pitchfork.


Unknown said…
All done.
I'm not funny and sarcastic when sick. I tend to be introspective and too revealing.

Have fun KayKay.
Anonymous said…
My list is up. And it confirms that I am, in fact, a freak.

Love ya!
Unknown said…
Where is yours K? You've had a head start on this thing. Come on!

Evil Spock said…
Evil Spock is slightly annoyed to be included in this little game, because Evil Spock had to already list 6 weird, but true things about Evil Spock which can be found here:


Evil Spock will comply and post an addendum to the original on Tues.
"I know you hate me right now"

I could never hate you, you have no idea what it takes to make my hate list and it's such a cold ass place, that a warm person such as yourself doesn't possess the qualities, or a map on how to get there.

However, your timing is slightly off, just a little bit. I'll have it in by the end of MLK Day.
Besides, I brought it upon myself. Never ask of those, what you wouldn't ask of yourself.
Evil Spock said…
Evil Spock appreciates the reprieve granted by Katie.

Instead of posting an addendum on The Few for the original weird article found here, Evil Spock will post 4 more weird things about Evil Spock on the blogger comment:

7. Evil Spock took a Star Trek and Religion class at Indiana University. The class consisted of watching episodes and tying them into religion and society. The professor wore her Star Trek uniform on the last day.

8. Even though Evil Spock took a class about Star Trek and has a bit of a Star Trek theme on the bloggy-blog, Evil Spock really isn't that big of a Star Trek fan. Evil Spock was a big fan of the original Star Wars trilogy.

9. One of the dorky things Evil Spock does as a tribute to Star Wars: Evil Spock waves Evil Spock's hand in front of automated doors because Evil Spock believes the Force opens doors for Evil Spock.

10. Evil Spock likes to bury Evil Spock's self in clean towels fresh out of the dryer. Evil Spock then lays in wait for prey to come by the couch, i.e. girlfriend.

I tried to show you all sorts of love yesterday, but comments were sucking ass. Just so you know.
Unknown said…
9. One of the dorky things Evil Spock does as a tribute to Star Wars: Evil Spock waves Evil Spock's hand in front of automated doors because Evil Spock believes the Force opens doors for Evil Spock.

10. Evil Spock likes to bury Evil Spock's self in clean towels fresh out of the dryer. Evil Spock then lays in wait for prey to come by the couch, i.e. girlfriend."

I'm scared - so very, very scared right now Evil Spock.

Mountjoy said…
There you go, Schwartzter, but you need to change my link now RFYP is but a mammory... er a memory:

Al Sensu said…
You c***!
Mister Mxyzptlk said…
Have you ever noticed that you've chosen a comment format that says what time the comment was posted but not what day?

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