movie meemish ::update::

1. Popcorn or candy?
I am a buttered popcorn whore. the smell of movie popcorn makes my mouth salivate and my vulva lips twitch louder than a school of summer crickets (I know they don't travel in packs). especially with a sugary soda back. oh, please. hello. divine.

2. Name a movie you've been meaning to see forever.
a clockwork orange. never seen it. I have guilt about that. I do want to see it. it's like warriors. you have to see it.

3. You are given the power to recall one Oscar: Who loses theirs and to whom?
I don't know. it seems like such an impossible feat to just be nominated, that's not enough?

4. Steal one costume from a movie for your wardrobe.
one? as if. grace kelly's wardrobe in, to catch a thief. or katherine hepburn's in, bringing up baby.

5. Your favorite film franchise is....
bad boys. I love the chemistry between will smith and martin lawrence. it's an exhilarating, funny ride. will smith's talent is inspiring + he's hilar squared.

6. Invite five movie people over for dinner. Who are they? Why'd you invite them? What do you feed them?
larry charles. pedro almodovar. stanley kramer. mel brooks. nora ephron. neil simon. woody allen. michael moore

ok. I chose eight. I suck.

these writers have left an indelible imprint on pop culture past, present and future. to me, their work is and was, smart and funny. necessary and timeless. these writers create(d) stories that had depth of character. a whole lotta soul. a gazillion layers of humor and insane smarts.

tons and tons of fat pellet apps with a giant salad. stuffed five cheese mushrooms. mini homemade cornmeal crust pizzas. puff pastries overflowing with brie, asparagus, garlic and pinenuts. roasted thai peanut sauce skewered veggies. a goat cheese salad with champagne vinny and spicy walnuts. spinach risotto croquettes.

for dessert, mini pies and strawberry shortcakes infused with whipped cream and a baked pear upside down cake with vanilla ice cream.

super fly, well managed, coma worthy fat.

7. What is the appropriate punishment for people who answer cell phones in the movie theater?
electrical tape their phone to their ear and make them listen to fran drescher circa the nanny for 24 hours straight.

8. Choose a female bodyguard: Ripley from Aliens. Mystique from X-Men. Sarah Connor from Terminator 2. The Bride from Kill Bill. Mace from Strange Days.
hi. ripley. she's got a hero complex. she would save my fat ass.

9. What's the scariest thing you've ever seen in a movie?
the color purple, when celie and her sister were being ripped apart. when celie's baby was taken from her. when sofia was being beaten. terrifying and heartbreaking.

10. Your favorite genre (excluding "comedy" and "drama") is....
I can't say comedy? slapstick. spoof. dark. do they count? I love dark. noir. documentaries. suspense and mystery.

11. You are given the power to greenlight movies at a major studio for one year. How do you wield this power?
I'm with wp on this in terms of written scripts. I would team unproduced writers who had written scripts with produced writers to rewrite or punch up their material and co-produce their films. I would also implement an unproduced writers program to get writers working. in my opinion when you have no credits, agents aren't always as valuable a resource to a writer as someone who is actually in the position of producing you.

12. Bonnie or Clyde?
burns and allen. hepburn and tracy. hepburn and cary grant. billy crystal and jack palance. I could go on for days... you can't have one without the other.

13. Who am I tagging to answer this survey?
I've already done this.

14. If Jesus were to submit a synopsis of a documentary about life in America since 9/11, what would his pov be? ::: not a joke question. I'm really curious.
in painstaking detail, jesus would expose the zealots, conservatives and fascists, both personally and politically that abuse his name to further their own agendas.

ps: if you haven't seen the movie, live flesh by pedro almodovar, see it. it's so brilliant. so is, all about my mother. actually, everything almodovar has written is. rent. now. have you never seen, women on the verge of a nervous breakdown?! it's his most mainstream flickarooney.


Anonymous said…
Huh? Vagina lips don't travel in packs? That's not right: I've been referring to politicians as "a pack of cunts" for years...
"I am a buttered popcorn whore. the smell of movie popcorn makes my mouth salivate and my vulva lips twitch louder than a school of summer crickets (I know they don't travel in packs)."

Damn, you're gonna have the offspring of Orville clamoring at your door.

Almaldovar? I really wish I thought that part of the meme out. You, everybody, you all game up with such interesting people and I feel that mine was generic, with no surprises.

"Bad Boys?" I, never, saw, that, one coming.
Katie Schwartz said…
lewch, "all the while enjoying a nice vanilla flan" ?!

that's funny.
Katie Schwartz said…
you would, joy juice.
Katie Schwartz said…
well, at least the fruit of my loins will be hot.

your meem was hardly generic. I loved it. it was way more thought out and interesting than mine.

bad boys: really? I have really eclectic taste. in music too. from gospel to rap, rock to opera. folk to pop.
Dale said…
Great answers Katie and because I know that you wouldn't want me to feel that both Jesus and Blair have abandoned me, I may just steal it. I will then come back and read your other tagees. For the record, your comment lovers are some of the best, witty and magically delicious.

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