personal relationship

"I went to a tragic funeral today. No, not the most tragic one I have ever been to. BUT, they have the eternal hope that they will see their son again as they have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ... Their beautiful son also had a personal relationship with Jesus too and is in heaven right now... The most tragic funerals are when you know the people do not have that hope I have mentioned. Be thankful we have our children every minute as they are really just on loan to us from God "
the loan from god thing is creepy as all fuck off. but that's another post.
anywho, it's not the first time I have seen the personal relationship buzz fraze used (I know, it's phrase), but I'm seeing it more frequently. it's always struck me as arrogant, presumptuous and lacking in substance. I couldn't figure out why, so i hit and looked it up.
personal relationship: a relation between persons.
flowing along the crazed christian pov, jesus is god. he's not a person. he's not a man. he's a hero, a savior and only someone seen in death. yes, I know he's a chatty cathy and speaks to each zealot on a daily basis, guiding them. leading them. GOT IT.
but he ain't never described as no man.
so, how in the fuck can you have a personal relationship with jesus when in fact a personal relationship is between persons. not god and persons.
I don't feel like finishing this. *cbb
right now, you know what I'm doing, avoiding.
I've been running errands and jewcifer since the crack o' dawn.
I have a million things to do today + write.
I'm avoiding.
*cbb = can't be bothered
it's always struck me as arrogant, presumptuous and lacking in substance
Somewhere out there is a nail with it's ears ringing, because you could not have hit it any harder on the head.
You may or may not know I'm a refugee from red-state bible thumping Appalachia. At one time being a God-fearin' Christian out in the holler' meant you were most likely a simple person living in a complex world. You were humbled by the powers of the universe you didn't understand, but had faith that if you tried to be a good soul, and do right as best you understood it, you would meet justice in eternity. You would struggle against temptation. You would fail. You would learn and keep struggling. your struggle was by and large between you and God. Think Johnny Cash.
Today's "personal relationship" crowd is the exact opposite. Their "faith" is nothing but an instrument to feed their ego, allowing them to see themselves as superior to you and anyone else who isn't hanging with JC. There is no struggle, there is simply a cancellation of the sin bill they ring up because they're one of the "in" crowd. Think George W Bush. You've overanalyzed the "personal relationship" wording. The people who use it aren't smart enough to realize what you've said. They just know it's something to say that makes them feel special.
Personally, I worship the ocean on a clear night under a full moon. Talk about humbling......
is your jesus easy on the eyes? does he break out a cross and thorn hat during the holidays? does he wear his loin cloth with the same style and fervor? is he ambi-sexual?
if you've answered yes to all of the above questions, by golly, mister-mister, you just might have yourself a genuine jc!
go with god.
do you have the lord runnin' through yer veins?
Giving all the praise and blame on God is nothing but someone who fails to take life what it is ... LIFE.
My dear Katie, I was immersed in the "personal relationship" world for 31 years before I ran away, and now I see them gaining on me in the rearview mirror.
This explains why the only thing running through my veins most nights is a 0.2 blood alcohol content.