another shiva

I have a percolator. I'm an un-cool coffee drinker and I'm ok with that. I don't use a press pot. I don't drink a fancy squeezed bean with a foamy top. I percolate a pot, add half-n-half and sugar in the raw. and, it's perfect.
my percolator is from the 50s. I got it at a garage sale for 5 bucks. not because I couldn't afford a fancy percolator. but it tastes better.
my perc's on the peel.
I'm so forlorn.
I'm going to have to send my perky pot to heaven. I need a hot tip on a new one. it's sad. but, true.
toss me a pearl.
Katie, here's an alternative that doesn't require hoity toity equipment. Get a Melitta filter cone. Easy and quick.
I bet you take your "coffee" black and strong, Katie...
No, keep it! The metal poisoning will give you a personal relationship with Jesus...or the delusion thereof.
wp, you are so funny!!!