another shiva

I have a percolator. I'm an un-cool coffee drinker and I'm ok with that. I don't use a press pot. I don't drink a fancy squeezed bean with a foamy top. I percolate a pot, add half-n-half and sugar in the raw. and, it's perfect.

my percolator is from the 50s. I got it at a garage sale for 5 bucks. not because I couldn't afford a fancy percolator. but it tastes better.

my perc's on the peel.

I'm so forlorn.

I'm going to have to send my perky pot to heaven. I need a hot tip on a new one. it's sad. but, true.

toss me a pearl.


Al Sensu said…
This is true: I knew the man who played the xylophone on the famous Maxwell House commercial that had music reminding you of a percolator. E-C-E-C-A-G C-E-G-A-A.

Katie, here's an alternative that doesn't require hoity toity equipment. Get a Melitta filter cone. Easy and quick.
Anonymous said…
This is an extension of the "Baby Jesus Cried" post, right? And "percolator" is a euphemism for vagina?
I bet you take your "coffee" black and strong, Katie...
"I'm going to have to send my perky pot to heaven. I need a hot tip on a new one. it's sad. but, true."

No, keep it! The metal poisoning will give you a personal relationship with Jesus...or the delusion thereof.
Katie Schwartz said…
al, NO WAY! I love my percolator.
Katie Schwartz said…
lewch. thanks for the hot tip, babe. found some really fly farberware percs.
Katie Schwartz said…
wp, do you think I'm really going to get metal poisoning? omg. I am running like a dawg for a new perc. the shame.

wp, you are so funny!!!

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