vote on the 1st annual blair warner pussy eating contest

cast your vote! choose the winning essay. no way I can do it. ribbed for your pleasure and 5th dimension wrote the most fuck off FABULOUS ESSAYS! winner gets $25 sent via pay pal and a virtual crown with blair's pussy nestled right on top!

Vote on who should win the 1st Annual Blaire Warner Pussy Eating Contest
daddy ribbed for your pleasure
5th dimension darling

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Mountjoy said…
Katie, there is only one way for such a valiant contest to be decided. I say you email them both over to Coffee Talk and ask Blair which essay offended her the most. There's your winner.
Mister Mxyzptlk said…
Hey, I'm up for that.

Mountjoy, since you're from (going) down under, does your tongue circle in the opposite direction?
Al Sensu said…
These are both very very sick. So hard to choose.
Mountjoy said…
No, but when I hit my stride, towards the end, the ladies scream out ".... !Sey kcuf, haey ho, mmmmmmmmmmm, dnegel gnikcil tnuc ouy, repeed em tae"
Katie Schwartz said…
mount joy, that is fucking hysterical! can you imagine if our dearly devoted lisa actually indulged?! how fabulous would that be.

mister mister... always the wise ass :)

loving sensu!

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