more fuck tuesday

day sucked a midwestern subaru driver's ass.
spoke to vet.
was overdrawn.
hate people.
they say mean things.
yeah. I can be a delicious cunting whore, but I ain't mean.
I ain't spiteful.
I ain't a cunt.
cunty and cuntish do not equate to cunt.
want this year to end.
so done.
need a new year.
new season. new beginning.
this is as vulnerable as it's going to get, people.
save boobs: ends october 7th. what are you waiting for!
Hang in there. I'm sure you still have alot to be thankful for.
put on the super cunt cape and wear it proud girl.....
Katie, is Louie okay? Stop calling yourself names. You're pissing me off.