make love to me

::top 5 reasons you should never say, make love to me::

1: it's creepy

2: how could you possibly subject the following enthusiastic, sweet adverbs, "when we", "will you", "please" and "let's", to such cruelty and call yourself a decent human being?

3: the concept of making love makes no sense to me. how can you make love? it's a noun. and, don't give me the, "but it comes after a verb" argument. you're being asked to fuck a noun.

4: the phrase, "making love" is repulsive and equally wrong on every level.

5: there are a million ways to skin a romantic pussy. I can't imagine wood rising or cunt's dripping when someone says, let's make love. one man said this to me a few years ago and I could not stop laughing.

side note: my intimacy and commitment issues have no bearing on my disdain for the phrase, love making.


fingers said…
Couldn't have said it better.
Well, actually I could...but since I didn't it's a bit of a moot point.
Anyway...right with you here, K.
And the sort of creeps that 'make love' are also the sort of vommos who always ask 'And is this your lover ??' when you turn up at a bash with some frsh meat...
Katie Schwartz said…
they also need ambiance to get off.I'm all for romance, but how much soft lighting and hair stroking can a girl really take?

not to mention the fact that men who "make love" rarely excel in the art of per-menstrual pussy pulverizing.
Mountjoy said…
It's only called "making love" because the prudes would all blush if you called it "making semen"...
Ms Smack said…
I once heard [via a chocolate girls night out] of a guy who not only said 'lets make love' to his woman, but 'i'm melting' when he ejaculated.

Oh yes, I would have squeeezzzzed him out of my pussy from the laughter.
Katie Schwartz said…
mount joy, I think it should be changed to making creepy. or let's make creepy and offensive in a dimly lit room, incorporating cheap over sugared, yeast infection producing edible love oils.
Katie Schwartz said…
"I'm melting"?!?!?!

oh sweet honey smack, that is soooo WRONG. your poor pussy. the trauma of going from tsunami moisture to death valley dry.

please, missy!

some men just don't get it.

I'm sorry, but "make love", "I'm melting", all that crap is so lifetime television for women inapropriate. and, selfish. so fucking selfish!
Dale said…
Ridiculous phrase but don't blame poor Julie London. On the old 70's show EMERGENCY, she was the head nurse who always looked like there was a bourbon and a smoke just out of camera range.
Katie Schwartz said…

you know dear, you're getting very dark. I'm loving this side of you.. tell me, is there a betty benefiting from this darkness?

a girl can dream.
Ms Smack said…
Oh it wasnt me but if it were, i would have posted his pic on the net by now :)
Katie Schwartz said…
that's my girl. you go, sweet honey smack :)
Katie Schwartz said…
lewchers, after reading that amazing letter, you are probably the only man I know who could make, "I want to make love to you" work for him.

the dames you bend probably melt by your swoonyness!

Katie Schwartz said…
cock knocked?!?!?!? lewchers, you're a riot...
Katie Schwartz said…
I have to think about it... but, off the top of my head, I'm a big fan of, "I'm going to fuck you stupid." "bend over, bitch." I'm going to tenderize your pussy with my tongue. then pulverize it with my manly meat bat." "on your knees, bitch." "will the slutty whore in the room please spread?!"

the usual stuff, lewch ;).
Ms Smack said…
I think my panties are moist after reading John's comments.

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