what a fuckin' dipshit

Rage Over MySpace Photo Leads to Arrest
MESA, Ariz. (Sept. 14) -

A 22-year-old woman was arrested after authorities say she tried to hire someone to kill another woman whose photo appeared on her boyfriend's MySpace.com Web page.

Heather Michelle Kane was booked Tuesday for investigation of conspiracy to commit murder, Mesa Detective Jerry Gissel said.

She was arrested after she met an undercover Mesa police detective at a grocery store, gave the officer $400 and offered to pay an additional $100 once the woman had been killed, according to court records.

The records say Kane gave the undercover officer photographs taken from her boyfriend's social networking Web page of the woman she wanted killed. She also requested a photo of the woman's dead body.

It wasn't clear if the boyfriend and the targeted woman were romantically involved, Gissel said.

this bitch is giving cunts a bad name, you know! And, who the fuck does a hit for $500 measly bucks anyway?!

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yournamehere said…
The only thing more disturbing than someone killing a person for five hundred dollars is that Britney Spears website.
Narrator said…
I wish I was white trash. Then 500 dollars to commit murder would feel like I'd hit a jackpot. It must be nice to feel grateful.
Katie Schwartz said…
mullet boy, the tiger fading in and out of twit's face is so vile. I was surprised she didn't take the opportunity to outdo clitsy lohan by using her flange instead. oh well.

nv, how I do so adore you, child.
Al Sensu said…
Y'see, I trusted you, Katie, so I clicked thru without looking at the taskbar first to see where I was going. *weeps* NEVER AGAIN - I've been fucking traumatized! *sobs* But I'd off that bitch for $250. And I bet Aguilera would pay a reward too. *winks*
Mister Mxyzptlk said…
that thing that looks like a tiger... that IS her cunt. Don't enter or you may get bitten... I am slutsky, hear me roar!
Romius T. said…
Jesus, you mean I did not have to move out of the "valley of the sun" and find work at a grocery store in floida to have a white trash christmas day like that?

O hhh yea!! Classic!

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