my vagina and me

I suspended her vibrator privileges a few days ago, so she decided to lead a revolt against me. she's threatening me with a yeast infection. what a snatch! so cunty sometimes, you know?
due to elevated horniness, she's been insatiable. it's becoming a problem. is it soo much to ask that she be a little sensitive to my needs?! I'm a very busy person. I don't have time to cater to her every moistened wish. I mean, gaahhhd. she can be so slutty sometimes, too. I'm so not like that. I'm far more reserved. I don't need it the way she does.
as always, I'm conflicted. I hate to censor her of course, or anyone else, but we have to learn to co-exist a bit better. donchya think? it can't always be about HER and HER needs.
when did vaginas corner the market on neediness?! *that isn't a fucking pun!*
save our
that mullet boy is so giving, isn't he? the things you are willing to sacrifice, mullet. you are a truly selfless human being.
Thanks! Fantastic!
ps. I think our vagina's might be related.
"Run! Run!"
"I can't, the pull is too strong!"
wp: hahahahahahahahha
thanks, wigwam! you're a honey!!!