you know you're unprofessional when ....

... you're so fucking bored and life sucked at your day job, that your response to a perfectly professional inquiry is as follows:
joke: horse walks into a bar. bartender says, "hey, man. why the long face."
anecdote: this weekend, my best friend asked me if I wanted to get married. I told her that I don't think I ever want to be someone's wife. she looked at me like I should give up my rights to womanhood.
ideas: floating pollen suckers. this would eliminate the majority of outdoor allergies
concerns: that I need to replace my blackberry.
comments: appetizers are much tastier than entrees.
etc.: sometimes I think I should get my dog, louie, some shoes. dogs are only issued one set of paws. this seems impractical. where's the back up plan?