the six million dollar man

is alive! I see him walking many mornings just outside of my neighborhood. I'm always shocked. not from his over indulgence in face lifts and nose jobs. but, the fact that he's still got a pulse. and that he actually wears a fanny pack. a real live honest to goodness fanny pack.

every time I pass him, I just want to make the bionic, da-na-na-na-na sound under my breath, but I don't.

you know what's even more upsetting?!?!? that I don't even want to suck his six million dollar man cock. that is so bothersome, I can't begin to tell you.


Narrator said…
dude, why would you want to suck his wrinkled ween in the first place? how about a nice thick healthy cock, like the one Matt Lauer is packin?
Narrator said…
yay, no more moderation! instant gratification!
Good gravy, that brought back memories of us all fighting in slooooowww mmmmmoootion. I think that they did that just because they knew that thousands of kids would be doing that the day after the episode, ruining the high of hundreds of stoners and acid heads.
would it help if you thought of him as "the fall guy" or am I the only one that remembers that show?
Al Sensu said…
I can't believe any woman would fuck a man who wears a fanny pack. If Bill Clinton or Jonny Depp wore fanny packs they wouldn't get any action at all. And hell, I won't get near a woman who wears one. They are butt-ugly.
I dunno, Johnny Depp could get away with a lot. :)

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