latest headlines...

jessica simpson:
"I want to adopt, and I plan to adopt before I have my own kids," the pop star recently told TV's "Extra."

this sentence is just wrong on every level. it's just so UN-baby-look-at-me. isn't it?

"I think Angelina Jolie has done amazing, amazing things, and the international adoption rate just since her has skyrocketed," Jessica said. "It's unbelievable."

who knew multi-national adoption would become a jet setting fad?! what's going on with american homeless and crack babies? aren't they ever going to make a comeback!!!

houston on katrina victims:
Many people in the nation's fourth-largest city complain that the influx has led to more murders and gang violence, long lines at health clinics and bus stops, and fights and greater overcrowding in the schools. Some of those claims are debatable, but the sentiment is real.

how BUSH. but my favorite is this sentence:

"We still feel sorry for them. We still want to help them, but it's to the point where enough is enough," said Torah Whitaker, 25, of Missouri City, a Houston suburb.

that is just a shame bundle, isn't it?

why are we kvetching about immigration? I must've missed the american born dream memo, the one that requests the immediate termination of immigration so that we citizens can vie for house cleaning, veggie picking and cab driving jobs. hasn't anyone given any thought to the poor residents of beverly hills and bel air? they don't hire english speaking help. god, people, think it through!


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