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DONUTS made it to the homepage of FUNNY OR DIE
Menses just commenced. It's 1:14 AM. I was asleep. That felt good. At 12:24, I popped up. I think I'm awake, maybe awakeish is more accurate. I'm always surprised when those handy-soapy-foamy-bottles run out of soap. For some lame ass reason, it never occurs to me that they ever will. They feel so lifetime supply , even though the bottles aren't more than 8 inches tall. Similarly, when I flip on a light switch and the light flickers to its death, I think "Now what?" Duh, schmuckette, you change the fucking light bulb . Intellectually, I know this, yet for some odd reason, it never comes to mind. In fact, a few years ago, my mother walked into my house and said, "Why aren't the lights working?" I said "I don't know, I flick the switch and they don't work." After a fit of uproarious laughter, she said, "Would it kill you to change the light bulb?” Hmmm. "No", I shamefully responded. I wonder why... it is that I hav...
(Yea about the T-Blog thing. I'm a lousy blog partner, but I know I'll just say that again and then you'll be nice and I'll love you even more. I almost wish my thyroid were less stable, so I'd have something to blog, but not really.
Maybe I'll blog about my weight here in a bit. That annoys me.
I've never seen you before!
That hair!
If I was your neighbor, jinstead of pounding with a hammer telling you to stop smoking *ahem*, I'd give you a ta-die-for updo, slather on some animal-friendly red lip stuff (in a completely non-lesbianish type way, for the record) & we'd go hit the most happenin' place for cocktails (and maybe a drink too. ;-)!
The long locks suit you.
"(in a completely non-lesbianish type way"
Cold water on about ten fantasies RIGHT THERE Jin.
The Larry David's father's glasses - those she did not wear when I met her.
They do have a certain Irving "Swifty" Lazar feel to them actually. What a big fucking macher he was. I used to see him at a restaurant in LA every now and then, the altekocker.
Katie you rock my world like every single fucking day.
The glasses? Not so much.
Ehh, what can I say?