California Evangelicals Can Suck My Ovaries

Do Californians not know from the Declaration of Independence: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL. Say it with me, EEEEEEQQQUUUAAAAL. Not, equal, but, or equalish, or equal by my personal definition. EQUAL, full stop.
Hello, what about the fucking Constitution? Ever read that? Here's a link. Knock yaselves out.
We have to get involved and do everything in our power to stop this. Here's the dish: Revoke LDS Church 501 (c) (3) Status, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints has gone too far in substantial activities to influence legislation.
Read the official Prop 8 Letter California and Same Sex Marriage. Add your notes to the pre-filled Tax-Exempt Organization Complaint (Referral) Form and email it
Donate to Proposition 8 and help in the fight against discrimination and hate.
Sign the petition to Overturn Proposition 8.
I will be signing the petition and try to get the Mormon 501(c)(3) designation eliminated...anything we can do to fight this.
As horrible as the prop 8 vote was, at least those bigots still voted for Obama. Which means that the GOP, even though they can still whip up fear and bigotry, are not quite as successful at getting people to vote against their own economic self interest by scaring them with abortion and gays. Having voters compartmentalize is, maybe, a little better than just having them vote in Republicans across the board because they're afraid of homos, abortionists and gun grabbers.
Now we have to work on the homophobia. The struggle continues.
Legislating who can love whom???....Come on People... are we really living in 1492... Speakin of 1492, I'm sure even old Chris Columbus would say "Suck my ovaries" to this ridiculous amendment. Or somethin along those lines ;)
Peace to you friend, M
You are a Jew!
Don't you feel bad about that?
Don't you know that the Jews murdered our Lord?
Get yourself together and turn to the right religion before it's too late, girl!
One of them was "Colored," which made my heart pitter patter with glee.
Who knew the Mormons was Integrated?
Fuck Antarctica, send the Shitheels on a search mission to Atlantis.
There is not a chance in hell that any Democratic candidate for the presidency of the USA can take the open-minded humanitarian view on any of those issues and expect to be elected at least in what remains of my lifetime.
The determined "Noes" on Prop 8, will be under a lot of pressure to not make the national party take the opposite position of the president. Much like Cindy Sheehan and Pat Tillman's families were more or less banished from the Democratic party over issues of war and peace, LGBTQ rights will be the first issue of conscience in which you'll have to decide whether you're a Democrat first or a human being first.
I know where I am. Here's a hint: I'm not a partisan, although I favor left wing Democrats. I'm certain I'm morally right, but not sure that were I an American voter whether grinding Obama through what Clinton went through at the hands of Powell at the beginning of his presidency over "don't-ask-don't-tell" is the greatest idea.
I'm going to grind to a fine paste on this issue because there's no way that a republic can survive with a legislative process that continually removes rights as opposed to adding them.
I don't think it's a close call between granting normal human rights to normal humans and causing the national party a little discomfort because the American people can't man-up and deal with this simple fact of life.
Maybe having a strong Democratic Party with Republican social values is worth it or even a good thing to someone else.
I can't vote and I can't contribute to any party or initiative.
This 70% is an even greater percentage than that the voting blocks who normally oppose Gay Rights, such as Fundies, Rightwing Nuts, the Klan, etc. However, with Treachery like that from that particular minority, which has benifited so much from Civil Rights and is an integral part of the Rainbow Coalition, who needs the Klan?
Were Martin L. King alive today, he would take a Milk Bath in the hopes of erasing the hideous stain put there by his own people from their rabid support of Proposition Eight.