God Save the Queens

Palin Effigy Prompts Visit From Feds. West Hollywood, home of the brave and the proud is making a bold statement against Palin and McCain, a duo that wants to pray the gay away and send hold-outs to a remote island. In response, the Feds came for a social call? I digress. And. It's Hall-a-fuckin-ween. The parade will be filled with Palin and McCain drag queens done right for a change, and for less than 150K in clothing and 28K in make-up.
Are they kidding? The Feds.
You don't bow to this level as it removed the credibility of the argument. The Secret Service did their job by investigating and they determined there was no threat. A man joked that he wanted to shoot so people at the Obama rally here in Tampa and he was investigated by the Secret Service (his guns were removed, his license revoked for life, and he is on a no-fly list).
On a lighter note, on Keith Olberman's Countdown, the D.C. pre-Halloween drag race was lost by Palin's drag-doppleganger.
My sister agrees with both of you.
I disagree. Shocked? I know.
I see this as a metaphor, satirical art, even.
JDC and I debate about this all the time. I love it. I think it makes our friendship much more interesting.
1. the use of irony, sarcasm, ridicule, or the like, in exposing, denouncing, or deriding vice, folly, etc.
2. a literary composition, in verse or prose, in which human folly and vice are held up to scorn, derision, or ridicule.
3. a literary genre comprising such compositions.
There is nothing here satirical about the hanging of Palin. I understand the anger and the sense of personal assault the boys in WH might feel, but this is ugly anger at best.
How would this be viewed were it an Obama effigy hanging there instead? Possibly hanging in a biblebelt town?
You and I always disagree on first amendment issues and the responsibility of the speaker. The quote below might even allow this to be considered a hate crime from a few different angles.
In the on-line magazine Slate, Eve Gerber writes, "The definition of a hate crime varies. Twenty-one states include mental and physical disability in their lists. Twenty-two states include sexual orientation. Three states and the District of Columbia impose tougher penalties for crimes based on political affiliation."
Palin were hanging ... er...no. I can't think of the way to make a hanging work.
Shoot at by wolves from a helicopter maybe
As a Southern girl, I understand why a rope is unacceptable. Put the other candidates (MY candidates) in the same effigy, and it would be A Major Issue.
All of that said, I do see this as satire and as a metaphor.
Nooses and lynches make me sick, period.
Palin hanging is a metaphor to me. What she's implemented policy wise and what she plans to implement if elected, is a metaphorical noose around homosexual necks and women's necks. Oh, and the middle class's necks. At least that's how I see it.
I don't see this as a hate crime. What makes it funny (again, in my opinion), is McCain in flames in the chimney above Palin.
I also had a thought... I would love to see an image of Palin being hunted and skinned and draped on a couch. Just as she has done with a bear on her couch in her office. To me, that's satire.
I hear you on the other side, too.
That would be satire to me!
Maybe masturbating with an oil can.
"Chief, we've got a nihilist on our hands."
"Don't do anything, Larry, the world's already falling apart."
Some twit-wit a few miles from my house lynched a scarecrow in black-face. That wasn't funny, either.
Good news is that both images have been removed.
Bad news is that Palin and McCain will not be removed until Wednesday am.
I love every part of this and am glad to have the images in 0s and 1s for all eternity. As sick humor, it's first rate. As a way of expressing anger at Prop 8 and every other indignity the LGBTQ population have to endure, it's wholly appropriate. I wouldn't call Obama or Biden EVOLVED on the subject particularly but McCain and Palin are straight up homophobes.
It's also kind of cool instatllation art.
I'm not an African-American so it's not in my place to offer an opinion about the rope or the lynching references. I know that if some other display technique were use and a swastika added, I wouldn't be pissed off as a Jew, I'd think it appropriate because these two are nazis.
I also love that it was West Hollywood because finally when are Americans -- yes even Democrats -- going to wake up to their rancid homophobia and how it knows no cultural boundry. America, it hate THE GAY.
And finally, let's see if I have this straight here. A bunch of folks were offended by the poor taste of the hanging of Palin in effigy, yet these same folks never write in protest about the death penalty? And how the US is the only Western nation to still use it? And not only that but use it at a rate far greater than it's used in Saudi Arabia?
My only conclusion is that tenderfooted Democrats got to re-think their priorities or at least admit to LIKING the DEATH PENALTY because your Uncle Kelso knows that a few of you DO!
Personally I did not like the whole idea of the hanging thingy, McCain looks more like Santa stuck in the Chimney. For the record, he cant raise his arms over his head though.
A better display in my lil opinion would have been Johnny with a viagra, and Sarah reading the Constitution.
Pue' si la cuerda se ofende menos mal por tener los sentidos humanos pero no les parezca la vaina de averiguar come se sientan los negros y los negros y negras gay mas aun sobre toda la vaina antes de juzgar a los gays?