Barack Obama's Infomercial

If you missed it, here it is. Watch it for inspiration, hope and the promise of change, something I do believe This One will actually deliver.

I'm so proud of my family. Each has been proactively involved in his campaign, from donating money to volunteering and getting the message out there: VOTE FOR BARACK OBAMA and JOE BIDEN.


I voted early for him. I wish I could vote for him again on election day.
Anonymous said…
It was a disgusting video. Tasted like unwashed cunt. This guy can't be president.
You'll see: The American people will elect the right man - and that's me.
Don't be a loser, Katy Shworz - be a winner and vote for ME.
Anonymous said…
I don't know how anyone can listen to the Obama message and contrast that with the sour McCain message and not see the huge difference in these candidates.
Voted early here, waited an hour and a half and could not stop smiling. I drive by the local polling place everyday and the line goes around the building. North Fracking Carolina and we are so damn state may just go blue and when we do I am going to have a nervous breakdown.
Unknown said…
McCain's only message is :I want to be president" Dcup. There is no soul there, just desperate hunger.

Mauigirl said…
It was a great video - I watched it last night when it was on - I hope the millions of people who watched will be as inspired as we were and that it convinced the undecided voters.
You would actaully have a moment of shocking realization if you could see the number of Mc signs as I do on the way to work each day. It is kind of interesting to see the pulse of the south so on display in Florida.

My father and I actually got into the most heated conversation of our lives in my driveway about 2 weeks ago with me yelling "BULLSHIT! You actually believe this warmongering right nut wing job they are pulling on America?".

He has no idea who I am going to vote for and no one else does either because I will argue both sides...I think I just like to spar...but change is good.

Anonymous said…
I actually heard flathead Hannity on the radio trying to dismiss this video and man was he working hard to no avail. Obama didn't have to attack anything because he's got something to share. McPalin have nothing but whatever Bush leaves in the whitehouse couch cushions for them. Palin again has foot in mouth displaying some more of that constitutional ignorance of which she's so proud while pappy is still trying to pimp joe the tax lien who's gone awol on the mccampaign. what an effing mess their whole show has evolved into.
Anonymous said…
Best 30 minutes ever!
Katie Schwartz said…
I know what you mean, Dr. Monkey. Wouldn't you love to vote a million times for him? He's so fabulous, he makes me want to vote myself into a frenzy.
Katie Schwartz said…
Dcup, it surprises the hell out of me that people are actually voting for McCain. I can't figure it out. When people say that Palin is a role model, I want to vomit and pee on them. Okay, that's childish and irrational, I admit it. It's how I feel.
Katie Schwartz said…
TravelingManRick, I am so inspired by you. Love that image of you smiling after you voted and seeing how high voter turnout is.

If you go blue... WOW. I'll plotz.
Katie Schwartz said…
So true, Lewchie.
Katie Schwartz said…
I do, too, Mauigirl. I am praying for it.
Katie Schwartz said…
PS: MG, I don't think it helped that a lot of major news outlets said that it didn't sway undecideds. I'd like to believe it did.
Katie Schwartz said…
Hi Scott;

Thanks for stopping by. PS: Everyone, this man blows glass like you've never seen in ya life.

Anywho, I'm so sorry about the argument you had with your pops. I get it. I repube family member or good friend right now would be a bit overwhelming to deal with. Right now emotions are running sooooo high.
Katie Schwartz said…
RastaMick, I know, right?!?!
Katie Schwartz said…
Agreed Happy Zombie. Love the name.

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