Ooh, I Like This

I'm crushing hard on From the Left at the minee. It might very well be that he is more irreverent than I am. Who knew?!
More keywords found yesterday that I simply had to post:
Avril Looks Like Chris Crocker - Hmm... Perhaps they do have an uncanny resemblance. I haven't given it much thought.
Craigslist Adult Diapers - Again w/the porn, oy.
Cuntessa - Why yes, I am honored, thanks.
Who is Mickey Avalon's Wife - I don't know, but I looooove the song Jane Fonda
keep blogging it...
Of course Palin isn't a feminist. You must (when you get the time) check out that NPR dish I posted. She is the anti-feminist.
I agree with you, WE need to keep blogging about this.
Thanks for stopping by, doll.
i read other blogs and see lots of enthusiasm for the ticket of a senile reactionary and a extremist party hack whose church backs jews for jesus.
americans can be really stupid. i fear for us.
It was From the Left that inspired me to start my own silly little blog, and who knew that it would be so much fun!
PS: Engima, I have been haunting your site lately and I am loving it. Keep it up!
I did not know he started you on blogging. I'm so glad you did. Child, your blog is not silly. We LOVE IT and your voice.