Oh, You Know

It is soo hot in Shlock Anj today and dry as a bone. A histamine diva's dream come true. Geez Louise.
I see lots of comments for my boy Travelingman Rick's hilarsquared essay McMunt's Idea of Health Care Reform and I'm very pleased about that. Remember, children, you have until Monday moreeen to vote, at which time I will be posting my girl PulpFriction's PSA.
While I was away, I received some kick ass essays that made me scream so hard, my abs got a genuWINE workout. I have a few spots left for October, so submit, submit, submit: essays, audio, video or cartoons. Vatever you wish, I will happily take.
I did not watch the rePUBEican convention. I was plenty nauseous and couldn't bear feeling more neesh than I already felt. I read the recaps, though.