Ya Big Heeb

Jumping off the poli wagon for a mo... Here's a good yarn for yas. The good folks at Heeb Magazine, a most excellent Jewey read, one of my favorites, placed me in their Battle of the Schwartzes for the summer 08' issue. Fab, right? I thought so, too.

I highly recommend it, by the by. She, me, dished aplenty about my forthcoming book, Emotionally Pantsed, and my thoughts on being a Schwartz, etc. Ah, but there's a catch, if you look at the picture below, you'll see that it is me. However, look at the name? Not only did I get a new first name, I got a fabulous back-story-makeover.

Didjyas know I was a Jeweler? A famous one at that. When you pick up this issue and read about Lorraine, I'm sure you'll agree that she sounds like a very cool and wildly talented dame, to be sure. If the opportunity to get a back-story makeover presents itself, is it so terrible to be someone who sounds this cool?! No siree bob.

The winter issue of Heeb Magazine is due out in January/February, and this Katie Schwartz is scheduled to be in it. I will keep yas posted.


IN a battle of Schwartz's, my money is on you all the time.
Anonymous said…
What a lichtikeh schwartzy punim!
Cormac Brown said…
You juz knows I'z gonna call you "Lori" in emails frum now on. Heee-yuuuk!
Fran said…
Dale said…
I will now choose to call you LowRain if that's okay. Congrats on the new backstory! I make new ones up for myself all the time.
Katie Schwartz said…
Aww, yar a mensch, Monkeyboy.
Katie Schwartz said…
Thank you, Zippygirl.
Katie Schwartz said…
I would expect nothing less, Cormac.
Katie Schwartz said…
Right, Franny. So Joisey.
Katie Schwartz said…
LowRain is fabbylish, POTD. New back stories are the best. Totally agreed.
Katie, you are the Schwartz-Bomb!
Katie Schwartz said…
EK, How you doin, girlfriend?!?!?!

Grazarella babe!

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