No More Chair Drama

I finally got the chairs I wanted on Craigslist. OddChairBoy delivered two of the most divine 100-year-old chairs evah on Saturday afternoon. I got both chairs for 60 duckets, isn't that amazing?! I was plotzarella, too. I've always been so wildly in love with these chairs. They were so far out of my price range though, that I couldn't swing'em.

I wonder how many asses sat on these chairs in the past hundy years, what decisions they made, how many of those tooh-chai were happy, how many hearts were broken, how many people laughed, wrote, spun a few verbal yarns. Perhaps that's why I adore vinty tchoch as much as I do. I like to imagine the history of each piece.

Schwartzy is out to run errands and bust a few chops along the way. Have a beautiful Sunday, dollies. PS: Moon River (my favorite song) just popped on the pod. Bliss.


Anonymous said…
I have a bench my g-dad made that was used at the family table (many kidz-my mom was one of six). G-pa made the table, all chairs, and the benches.Wood, iron he forged himself, and old time shellac. All kids and g-kids plotted and schemed to gain possession of these pieces over the years. I inherited the bench when my mom passed. It's nearly a century old, and probably the strongest piece of furniture in the house. It's smooth as butter- lots of little hillbilly asses (including mine) wore it smooth over all that time.

So I know something of what you mean about the history.
I love the part about you out to bust some chops while you're out.
Anonymous said…
Love that chair. And I like to think about the stories inanimate objects could tell it they could speak.
Fran said…
That chair. Holy crap sister!

And Moon River. I can feel a Valley of the Dolls viewing coming on!
I so love your posts...I love to come by just when I need a laugh to cheer me up. Now that I am getting rid of that munt husband of mine I can actually start to think like a rational person again!

I used to have chairs just like the one in the pic that were my guest chairs in my old office...I loved them so much I took them home and refinished them...geeze I miss those chiars. Glad to hear the drama has ended.
Joe said…
I love chairs like that, and I totally understand your idle curiosity re: what asses sat themselves there. We have a bunch of surplus wooden school chairs around our dining room table.
Katie Schwartz said…
Virgotex, what a beautiful story. I'm so glad you have the bench. Will you consider sending a picky? Do you have my e-addy?
Katie Schwartz said…
Dr. Monkey, I live to bust chops. It is a finely tuned gift from my fathah.
Katie Schwartz said…
Right, DCup?! Me too! I think that's part of my attachment to vinty items, especially kitchen items. That's another post.
Katie Schwartz said…
Ha, Fran I Am! You are so funny. Can you believe how cheap I got these chairs for?! Some broad wanted to charge me 300 hundred a pop for two similar chairs only 30-years-old.

The fellah who sold them to me sent me such a lovely e-stalk yesterday and said he was glad that he sold them to someone who really loved them. Ahhh, isn't that menschy.
Katie Schwartz said…
TravelingMan, I'm glad you got rid of the Munt, too. you are going to meet a great man. Not munty in the slightest.

I have nicknames for the ex-munt, similar to all of my cunt variations, muntarella, muntress from hell, munting whore, muntscunt and.... Spill. Chime in.

Thank you for saying such lovely things about the bloggy.

PS: Refinishing the chairs is a fabbylish idea. I should do that. These would be divine in an office. I am so vilda (wild) for them.
Katie Schwartz said…
Bubs, you do?!?!? I LOVE THAT. Ah. I've always wanted a giant vinty farm table with an odd assortment of chairs from different eras.

I can't wait to see The Compound.

Listen to me inviting myself. Nervy enough?!
Anonymous said…
Refinish them? HAve you never watched Antiques Roadshow, woman?

"This is, in fact, a Viking Helmet that you found in your grandmother's attic. It was worth 19 million dollrs... before you cleaned it with Windex...

Antiques Roadshow | Follow the Stories | What "Patina" Really Means | PBS
Unless the chairs have "Stickley" labeled on the bottom of them then I wouldn't worry so much. Mine were 1950's post war chairs that had been painted, I stripped em and put a fresh coat of stain on them.

For the record I am against refinishing fine furniture, side chairs...not so much, depends on the era of the piece and the quality of the existing finish. Yes, yes I watch Antiques Roadshow and they are always talking about fine furniture that is from the 17 and 1800's. Just my 2 cents.

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