Cuntessa Schwartz has a Contest Update

I am so proud of how many cunterific create-a-cuntariations have been posted. I feel so empowered and elated, so proud to be a dame. Yes, it's true, I'm kvellarella.
Moving the story along...
I've updated the rules because you're all so insanely creative and hilarious.
1) The CUNTEST officially starts on Monday, September 1st and continues through October 27th. Deadline for submissions is October 26th. My dad's birthday, a very lucky day!
2) If you're not ready to come out of the cuntloset, no worries, come up with a fabulous word that you feel great about and use it, can we say 3 times? Please?!3) Instead of an essay, if you prefer to send a cartoon, or graphic image, or an audio podcast or video, please feel free to send it on over, it counts!
4) I cannot WAIT to read your submissions. I'm plotzarella from the comments alone. You're all too fabulous for words.
5) Loving.
6) Jewgirl
Oh, wait, duh: Please feel free to cross-post the contest. Invite everyone you know to submit. If we end up posting more than one entry a week, fabsquared. Let's be Obamalicious, yo.
Image credit: My dear friend and fellow blogging pal, Bubbsie over at Sprawling Ramshackle Compound. THANK YOU!
I can't wait to see this contest unfold!
Same here!