Cancer Is A Bitch, Gail Konop Baker's Memoir

And I wonder where my hypochondriac roots stem from?! Really? Really. OY.
The minute I started reading Cancer Is A Bitch, I could NOT put it down. Honestly, irreverently, hysterically and exquisitely, Gail hurled me into what she endured and continues to face as a cancer survivor. But, more than that- the frenetic chaos, endless questions, overwhelming fear and love, so much love for her family, her life and her relationship with herself, it was so poetically human, so perfectly written, how could I not relate? With every page I devoured, the more invested in Gail's life, in her family, her hopes, her dreams, her friends, her choices, her fears, her consequences, and her everything, I became. I felt so deeply connected to her. I fell in love with her, her bravery, the complexity of her mind, how fucking brutally-unrelentingly-honest she is and her humor.
Everyone will take something different from Cancer Is A Bitch, of course. What I took from it, why it had such a profound impact on me and why I had to read it twice was because (again, for me) it was about my relationship with myself and how sidelined and consumed by others that can become. How quickly I have, at times dismissed the importance of it or realized that it even was important.
Gail's book officially hits bookstores in October. You can pre-order Cancer Is A Bitch now. I beg you to do so. Any book that can make me laugh, cry, feel chaotic, angry and nauseous, all at the same time is a must read, period. I felt all of that and so much more. I am grateful to Gail for having the moxie to spin this yarn, it's beautiful. You will love each and every word. READ IT. READ IT. READ IT. Right now. Drag your ass to this link and pre-order it. Ga'head... I'm waiting.
The word cancer was never uttered in our house when I was a kid. It was called, all John &Cindy McCain references aside, "the C word".
The very mention of it was to practically fling open the front door and to ask "mal-OYK" (aside from the constancy of my Jewish inspired Catholic life, we lived in a very Italian neighborhood and that means "mal occhia" or evil eye)to come in and eat with you. God forbid a hundred times!
So I get it.
When I was still in my twenties my friend D died of colon cancer and it was the first loss of a friend my age and has influenced my life profoundly.
This book sounds great,I was just over at the website and I must get a copy to read.
Thanks for this Kateleh- insight into you and a good book.
I just discovered your blog via Gail, and I'm sad that I didn't know about you before. So yes, I'll be the stalker-type reading your archives.
Though I grew up in a world where cancer is hushed and I see you did, too (oy vey so sorry), it's been unhushed in my immediate family for a long time now. In fact, it's screamed. I think we're overcompensating. Better that than a shhh. News?!?!?!
Frannygirl, please read CIAB. I found it so very empowering. I needed the reminder, especially right now in this moment that I matter, that whatever health issues and external circumstances I can't control, they don't have to swallow me, not if I don't allow them to. I matter. I need to drag my ass from the trunk and into the driver's seat -- IT'S MY FUCKIN' LIFE, YO! It counts and so do I. You'll feel like SuperGirl after you read it :)
PS: Love the "John and Cindy McCain references aside" thing.
Thanks for stopping by. Ya such a doll. Gail is brilliant, inspiring, loving, nurturing and that broad has moxie for days. I adore her to bits. I am IN LOVE with her memoir!
See you in the blogosphere, bubbie. I'm clicking your name now to check out your bloggy.
I'm so happy you allowed me to read CIAB! I can't thank you enough, it was a gift.
You're right about cancer being so stigmatized. ENOUGH ALREADY with the stigmas, right?!?!? OY VEY. Women, especially have way too many stigmas we deal with.
I want all women to read your memoir to feel empowered and to jump into their lives head first. You remind us of that, Gail. You're brilliant, brave and beautiful. I admire the hell out of you.
Can't wait to read Gail's book.
Can't wait to read Gail's book.
lso, I would love to meet all of you and sign a copy of the book with a personal message to you. I will be in San Francisco September 30th and October 1st and NYC the following week... xo, g
Spartacus gave me the award and has a better description of the rules than I could ever give.
You will love Gail's book.