Trifecta! Kind Of

On Friday, I started to feel sore-throaty and sinus burney. Know what I mean? Anywhoodle, by Saturday morning, my throat felt scrubbed with sandpaper by 50 midgets. My sinuses were in the epicenter of an erupting volcano . The hacking was akin to a crack addict who smokes Pall Mall non-filters in between fixes.

That said....

Sunday, the games continued, menses began. All I needed was a yeast infection, and as a friend noted this morning, I would've had a trifecta.

Though I rarely take penicillin for fear of developing an immunity to it, I caved and called my doctor for a Zpack and a cough suppressant.

I am on the mend, fab. Downside, the cough suppressant had an opiate (who knew?!). I am opiate intolerant unless I take it with an anti-nausea back.

What a weekend.

By tomorrow I should feel like a brand spankin' new Jew.

It's time for Katie to make herself horizontal again. More dish latah.


Distributorcap said…
even tho you will feel like a brand new spankin jew

we still like the old one!

get well
Anonymous said…
Oh and ish. Feel better, sugar.
Katie Schwartz said…
Oh, thanks, D-Cap. You're a mensch. I will indeed.
Katie Schwartz said…
Thanks, DC. Love the new image of you. You look vivacious and rested.
Unknown said…
"spankin' new Jew"

That will cost $50 n Fairfax.

Doreen Orion said…
My prescription for the Jew flu -

Take two halkas (with chicken soup, natch) and call me in the morning.

And, while you're on the phone: Nu? Call your mother. It's not like you can feel worse.
Cormac Brown said…
Get better and...

"I am opiate intolerant unless I take it with an anti-nausea back."

...with you, I believe that. Amy Winehouse? Not so much.
Melinda June said…
And now that you're on antibiotics, that yeast infection is just around the corner.

Feel better.
Katie Schwartz said…
Ha, Doreen, so funny...
Katie Schwartz said…
Cormac, kick ass one liner that is. HA.
Katie Schwartz said…
MJ, I just fell in love with you!

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