Titskas and TV on Tuesday?

Shalom Loverdeedo's. What a fucking Tuesday. Did Mercury bypass retrograde and nosedive? Geez Louise.

This morning, a broad was stabbed to death in the parking structure of a building in Century City. This wasn't one of those meant-to-mug-you-mini-stab-and-runs, either. It was the real deal. Some asshole repeatedly and violently stabbed a woman in the neck. What kills me (so dramatic, Katie) is that there were people at the scene during 'said' incident and did nothing. It reminds me of the below video I saw on YouTube of a woman who keeled over and onto the floor of a waiting room in a fucking hospital and died. People sat by and watched for 45 minutes and did nothing.

Are we too afraid to get involved? Have we stopped caring about jumping in and preserving another life? What happened? It seems to me that things have radically changed over the past few years. I worry about the direction we're heading in. These two situations aren't isolated, I've read about many others. Do I need to add this to my "Worry To Do List"?!

There was also an earthquake in LA today, 5.6. I was standing in the LR minding my own business when the telly and my titties started to shake, as did the walls and windows. I am a novice in the e-quake department. Sure, in a crisis, I'm your go-to-gal, but not in an earthquake. I had a full scale panic attack and screamed "I will not die without a fucking bra on. God dammit. I refuse to peel out with my titskas doing the swing!"

I have this thing: I cannot die without my bra on or my shoes off. I just can't. That's my deal with God. We have a plan and I expect him to stick to it, otherwise, we're breaking up. Not to be cunty, ultimatumey or anything...

I'm happy to report that my bronchitis is clearing up beautifully. On Thursday, I have a date with FranIAm for cawfee. I'm so looking forward to that. More evidence that I'm not a 90-year-old yenta, CP.


Cormac Brown said…
A "5.6?" Dang it Katie, cowgirl up! A 5.6 is nothing. That's like a drunken LeeWee passing out next to you at a party while you are sitting on the couch.
Katie Schwartz said…
CB, I am a quake'n pussy. I admit it. I wonder if they have an anonymous group I can attend.
Anonymous said…
Stay safe, let your tits hang a little, kick off your shoes and have fun with Fran!
Madam Z said…
I have gotten myself in trouble more than once, by muscling in when something bad was happening. I don't think I would have had the nerve to actually try to physically stop the guy from stabbing the woman, but I sure as hell would have screamed at him and called 911 on my cell phone.

And NO WAY would I have just watched that poor woman die on the emergency room floor without doing something to get her some help. That has to be one of the most callous acts outside of wartime I've ever seen.
Creepy said…
I've got a thing about dying on the can. I don't believe in a god to make a deal with so I try to get in and out of there as quickly as possible.
Doreen Orion said…
Unfortunately, I don't think things have changed. You're too young to remember the notorious Kitty Genovese case in Queens in 1964. Human nature doesn't change.
Cormac Brown said…
Just be within a couple of steps of table or door threshold, then chase off that initial shot of fear and stay calm. As long as you are not on the freeway or under a building full of glass? No worries.

You're going to experience another ten quakes like that in your life...easily, so like, be Californian and go with the rolling flow.
Cormac Brown said…
Oh, and put "hella" and "like" in a sentence here and there.
Joe said…
I can't imagine being in an earthquake, the very ground below your feet betraying you with its shaking. I'd like to think I'd be cool, but maybe I wouldn't. I'd have to remain dressed at all times. I'd probably not sleep much either. Constant vigilance and all.

Enjoy your coffee with Fran!
When did I call you a 90 year old yenta? ;)

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