Eh, Who Needs A Title?

  1. My sister was so deeply touched by everyones comments and support. She was plotzarella and wanted me to thank my fabbylish readers, so THANK YOU! Ker's learning to comment. It's a process, donchya know.
  2. Funny yarn. I woke up this morning reminded of when my Aunt Sadie called me on her 65th birthday. Her husband had been dead a year and she had become the PROUD condo slut. You can see why we loved each other, right? The girl could not keep her legs together, not for 5 minutes and I loved her dearly for that and everything in between. She was post-menopausal. We dished every week. That year, every time I called her, she'd say, "Dear, I'm entertaining a gentleman friend" and promptly hung up. Anyhoodle, she said, "I went to the gynecologist the other day because my pookie felt odd. You'll just never guess what he said." Pause. Pause. Pause. "I have venereal warts", she declared. I was so excited, I said to my gyno, at my age to have an STD, it's like a badge of honor! Of course I wasn't using condoms. What the fuck did I care? When he told me I needed to tell the person who gave me the warts, I said, I'll hold the meeting in the rec room." So funny.... I do miss that dame.
  3. Still owe Qunnylish an email.
  4. Running a million errands today.
  5. Pilcrow begins on Thursday! I'm so excited. I'll be posting The Official Fixx Poster on Sunday night. I'm reading an essay from my book Emotionally Pantsed.
  6. Posting the AAM interview in three parts. Later today, this evening and tamahra. It's a long'un, but a damn fine one. These guys are the shit, yo.
  7. Off like a prom dress.
  8. More later.
  9. xo
  10. Schwartzy


Fran said…

Tell Ker we love her, comments of hers will be consumed like the finest sweets by readers like me. Plotzarella is the word!

Pilcrow. Katie. Emotionally. Pantsed. Reading.

I want to be there.

Aunt Sadie- I love her style. She must have been the shit!
"Pilcrow begins on Thursday! I'm so excited. I'll be posting The Official Fixx Poster on Sunday night. I'm reading an essay from my book Emotionally Pantsed."

Give 'em hell like Falwell is getting on the otherside of the Styx...

...well, no, not like that. At any rate, break a leg.
Freida Bee said…
Oh, your Aunt Sadie sounds like she was something else, a gem for sure.

Good luck, wait, who am I kidding, skill on the reading. I am looking forward to reading that thing, your book.

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