About Last Night

Thank you everyone for your incredible e-couragement and support. You are such honies and so very appreciated. I will be e-stalking yas next week to thank you.

Last night, Amy kicked off the festival with the Fabulous Fixx Reading series and it was a blast! I met my faberific, lovely and funny publisher, James @ So New. I met many great writers and Angela Gant, playwright and a true chick with moxie.  Also, super twitters Sawyer and TheFem Geek, co-founders of The UnScene Chicago -- They are as adorable and lovely and talented as can be.

I don't know if yas know this, but it was also the first time I met Amy Guth in person. We instantaneously bonded. As if there would've been another option?! Please...  The child is fan-fucking-tastic. I adored her before.  In person, it's a hundred times bettah.

Oh, and... I met our BELOVED blogger Joe and his oldest daughter. I love Joe Bubbsie and his family. I'm hanging out with him again on Saturday night for the NOLA Fund Raiser. I tried to guilt Oldest Daughter (Not sure if she'd want her name mentioned. Girlie, I remember it) into coming Saturday night, too. She's as fabulous as Joe. What a parent he is. I hope I get to meet Ms. Bubbsie and youngest daughter, too. Joe writes like he talks-- he is so much fun to hang out with. Friends for life :)

I had a great time performing. What yas don't know, that I can now tell you is prior to last night, I had not been on a stage in over 2  years. Remember when I got sick, I became semi-reclusive. I would describe being on stage last night as feeling like my "coming out party". I had so much fun reading one of my essays (Shitvitation) from my book (Emotionally Pantsed). I met TheFemGeek (Twitter) and her co-producer Sawyer. Such delightful, lovely folks. They are the founders of The UnScene Chicago and I spent some time with them to do a little meet-and-greet-interview, which will be posted soon. I also chatted with them and it was SO MUCH FUN. They  are a riot and sooo easy to talk to. 

Tonight is the kick off cocktail party @ 8:30 PM at Matilda's Baby Atlas
Also, Messinger's famous Dollar Store Show at The Hideout

Again, thank you for all of your fabulous emails and comments. Yas are the shit and I adore the bones of you. Next week, I will hit all of your blogs that I missed this week. Oh, and PS, I have I an airport/turbulence yarn for you. OY TO THE FUCKIN VEY.

Do not forget to head over to Eebie's blog and wish that sweet, sweet, sweet boy a very happy birthday! 



Anonymous said…
Sounds like a blast! Congratulations on your success, sugar!
Joe said…
It WAS a blast dcup! In person our Katie is a doll, and I laughed my ass off while she read.

Katie, you did good girl.
Fran said…
Oy gevalt... Katie it must have been amazing in every way and I am glad you got your groove back! It only felt gone, it was not.

And Bubs! So jealous - so jealous!

Glad you all had fun.
Dale said…
We're all jealous of Bubs now instead of just plain old admiring him and you. Congrats on everything Katie.
Eebie said…
Ohh, bubs, you damn lucky dude...
awesome to hear your feelings on the eve...Cheers, eebie!

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