Thank You, Coffeylish

I just got the most fuck-off-fabulous postcard from our beloved Cup-of-Coffey. My crackberry's photo abilities don't do this baby justice. My apologies.

The quote underneath these two adorable divas reads, "Feminism encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practise witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians." --Pat Robertson, US Politician, 1992


Thank you, Bethy, you made my day, child.


Madam Z said…
"Feminism encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practise witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians."

So what's bad?
bizQuirk said…
"Feminism encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians."

That's everything we love about it! And the feminist women, oh yes! I'd have it no other way.
Fran said…
Yeah baby!!! Whoo hooo- more girls and less capitalism. Yes!!!
Cup said…
In my fantasy world, that's you and me at the beach, Katygirl.
Anonymous said…
oh, pat, poor, deluded pat. you couldn't just say that feminism encourages all these bad things like filicide, witchcraft and communism. no, no. you had to add lesbianism.

which makes me a feminist, dude.

do you think feminazis caused 9/11, rectal itch, and douchebags with spray on tans, too?
Miz Coffey sent me a card with break dancing sock monkeys on it. She rules.
Eebie said…
My friends and I have often joked that my inner child is a woman, but she's a lesbian (love Ellen and Melissa is the sexiest voice in Rock n Roll) which is why I'm straight.

As a scientist I'm particularly interested in any witchcraft, especially if it will make me millions, like witchcraft to solve the energy crisis.

I'm all for the destruction of capitalism if we can find a substitute that will work. If anyone can do that I'm sure they are lesbians. (And I'm not saying that to encourage people to vote for Hillary.)

I do hope Pat was smart enough to fire his speech writer, which I think was himself.

I try to poke fun, but the quote truthfully makes me sad. I heard once, "What's the difference between genius and stupidity?" Well, "There is no limit to stupidity." Pat is a reminder.
Joe said…
Love the card.
Just where are these witchcraft children kiliing lesbians that crush capitlism? Because Condi Rice is the only thing that's been close to that description and Pat insisted that she's okay. How come she gets a flyer?

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